
  .AI.~~ ~~t#~~;4~j~  ~~' , 4  ~  ~~ ji  :                Avwiu V iD.)FLPo

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~lj01llt'. ' de )1 1(1~d,14i51lverlISc 4 (i:)00IV.411 la Vi'ill. pii)V 11'04t1

                                 7,         To I'ccd 1,000 (b-cr~~~"1.
Oil) 901(~vi"nh1ewl It)ci)p'o-'

             ~~c'            -.             iii flit' 1(441 cost t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~li
the' axt'iagt' alit1 tins :ilii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pulslll00its w $r3 0I'll 0(h410A41(1
                              -                           -ilmition(.(;.%,is
dshiSlltiiliestsidal Sill641.0i0i1141f'lclilt
                                                 hIII  ;im~~~~olllits   to
  C',  -Iw m ,  n ist1 lt is
                   ,     . -   - -. -       pci'I ('jilltoicc 3aI (t0.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oiiilh1tit-ti'
ah Itchuia? 14111 (crsOc aldhi     1 t  810Fod )4)

                                 -~ -xx'rti $10.44.lnt ~4S 5:4.. lilIX ii~iii
ill'riipiit -poid dec Iii''roii.1i

                                              tijyiu~ttI  11)1  d  (iistoff
 $ 10  j)t'-II kl'  l It' I I Ti ItIgli  th I   orls 7(, 200 (I  . )4(

                                     A"~~~~~~~iii lSii4hssatIli''14(
liI11titii"IlllsI4 ISldZ~'

              t~~~l~~~kC1)t  ii mix  ird   l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~s  xx crc
 still  fccdiiu.  lit rc  5t liii)  this  po~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tiirc
 w~~~~~~~~  o  Iloul tier  I ul itt lull iii Vii as ('utility.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tiical
  et1.c'dlit  (w al

 ('Xj):lflhlt'(itoofao,                                     ooi iftitaioloiiiitIi[III
it!                                      lltlii itIllr(.1)S >Ow

           :111(1 stai'x'at loll          I             Iv' .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1Iitoso,i
sitI I(\ilmc III NI-N~ct,  c

             Ill spr ngbea ik   ri e(] ;iftif vi ll  ecd iig sit s  ave all
the cli ra   ritic   of anA rtfic al   eed ng \%,ts   arr ed   ffilltil 
 wiitc   4   94 -5 4  1al

Cf   Alis't   thfsast om.   ill it i"   llf 5a1' weiillvi t (sat
1111 1(1' p1W   liert'  4 . xxw'IS
[iiiltlsariII(4111'l axs , c n inti11i l til'('5 di\' el514995(11c0to111mfalpoiiolsifl(
has'.i                                  t f

   p~r otlecrodIr re~wdfit,of) Liit ShlIS 55)2111 is,               r.. is.

for  S.1t,'i'a\ o 1 (1) 411101 s  tHil titi'i dv t' di lst iO' It ' l(  
Iac   il't'l. u41  ix Jl~l   11 is  ofll   ha  - ,k IAc  *

Si~~imple al    111~nOt 1 ila  I llS ('(3s 1(111,h tIbit'hOle toAl xiifc
i'it, itr s of
I  eI I i, S' o fltilti'! \V i~olil s toII- -sciic  c r fc .11  I( 1  c Iw\
                 fl-mll  achi'll  I'veding   expcrillivilk   with   pcit-cont
 '11ccl   decr   t~~~~~~~~~~~~~lat   1:11c  minimum~'é
              FC~~plirellient per one hundled pounds (4 deer per dav is twomunds
(if5                         "44"
         o~ood(111111!v~11';111';lav.TI Ii111cinsO ,(p~ 11 1 Idsof#1,v co
       .sr j#wdS                   -.
         188                          'S -'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
               clusive   of   wastc~~~  F \1 )('I-illiellf s  11~~~~~\ C
 -dcl  -ovider  two~