One of the four original townships was Two Rivers. Since its organization
as a
municipality, the township expanded to include the present towns of Mishicot,
son, Two Creeks, and Two Rivers. The areas near the pioneer settlement of
the vil-
lage of Two Rivers were the first to become settled. One of the first school
set up in Manitowoc county was the present Two Rivers city school district,
as Manitowoc county district number 1 organized in 1844. After the county
was or-
ganized into four distinct townships in 1848, the second district to organize
was the
present Tannery district. The numbering of the school districts was done
in sequence
of their establishment with the exception of the present district No. 1 which
the original district 1, now the Two Rivers city system.

                   TWO RIVERS I- SANDY HILL VIEW
                                  Edna Dunne

    When the state law of 1918
was passed, the patrons of Dis-
trict 1, Town of Two Rivers,
chose Sandy Hill View for the
name of their school because of
a high, sandy knoll which can
be viewed from the school. It
had always been known as the
Sandy Bay School previous to
that time, because it is located
near the Sandy Bay Road, now
leading to Point Beach State
  Sandy Hill View School is
located in the southwest corn-
er of the southwest 1/4 of" the
southwest _/4, Section 19, Range

25 East, Town 20 North.
    Up to 1898 the Tannery District included what is now District 1 and 2.
Due to
the dissatisfaction of the location of the school, many meetings were held
to try to
relocate the school nearer the center of the district. Finally, it was decided
to divide
the old district into what we now know as District 1 and District 2 with
the dividing
line being what is now known as Highway 42. It takes in all of sections 19-20-21-29-
30-31-32 except those parts cut off by Lake Michigan and the city of Two
Originally, the area now in the city of Two Rivers was known as District
1 but after
the Tannery District was divided, the present District became known as District
    Sandy Hill View School was built in 1898. It is a light-colored brick
about 34 x 24 feet, having three windows on either side with two windows
the front. The school, when first built, was one of the very few to have
single seats
and slate blackboards. A stage was built across the front of the room because
school was considered properly equipped without a stage. The stage still
remains in
the school. Electric lights were installed in the school in the winter of
    Fred Luebke was the first teacher in the district and taught there for
four or five
terms. Mr. Luebke boarded at the Matt Kimmes home for $8.00 a month. This
is just about one-half mile from the school house.
    The first enrollment was 26. Some of Mr. Luebke's pupils were ten years
of age
and were starting school for the first time due to the long distances some
of the pupils
lived from the school when it was located in the Tannery District. Mr. Luebke
that often he and the pupils, after walking long distances through the deep
were required to take off their shoes and stockings and dry them around the
before continuing with school. The greatest number of pupils ever enrolled
was 33.
The highest enrollment was between the years 1903 to 1910. The average family
those years had about eight children, while today's average family numbers
about five.
    The present enrollment has decreased to about 12 pupils. From 1940 to
1942 it
was necessary to close the school because the enrollment had dropped to below
The pupils were then transported to the Tannery school, for one year and
to the
Rangeline school for another term. In 1942 the school was again reopened
with an
enrollment of 14 pupils and since then has remained open.