In 1873, this pioneer schoolhouse was abandoned and a new two-room frame
building was built on the site of the present school. What was done with
the old
schoolhouse is not recorded.
    Daniel Smith, a generous "lumber king" and sawmill operator
of this commu-
nity plotted the village of Mishicot and donated the site for the present
school prop-
erty. By a vote of 18 to 16, the citizens in 1873 voted at a special school
to build a two room frame schoolhouse. They also decided to raise $500 by
taxation and to borrow an additional $500 at 7% interest for four years to
the cost of the new structure. The building committee had John Mayer of Manitowoc
idraw plans for a schoolhouse 56 x 36 x 14 feet. Bids were advertised in
the Manito-
woc Pilot with the result that F. Quisdorf, the lowest bidder, was awarded
the con-
tract to build the structure. This school served the district for 32 years
or until 1905.
It was then sold to the township of Mishicot for a town hall and moved across
road to the east where it still stands and is still used as a town hall.
The old bell
tower'housed the school bell that had a unique history. It is recorded that
Smith "salvaged" the bell from the railroad wreck which occurred
near his home
in New York state. When Smith moved west to Mishicot, he brought the engine
along with him and donated it to the school.
    In 1905, by a vote of 50 to 28, the old two-room frame schoolhouse was
to be
replaced by a two-room brick structure. Evidently there was enough sentiment
the district at that time for a four room brick building, for at another
meeting it was
voted to change plans and build a four room, two story brick schoolhouse
at a cost
of $6,000, with the upper rooms not finished. The following. year, though,
these up-

per rooms were completed and ready to accommodate the ninth grade students.
1915, the four rooms were used when the tenth grade was added.
    The demand for a four year high school course made necessary an addition
the four room building. Accordingly, in 1920, the voters favored the addition
of a
large auditorium and three class rooms which was built on to the north of
the brick
school and was of the same design as the structure to which it was attached.
cost of this addition was about $37,000. Today the Mishicot high school and
building consists of a large auditorium, a library room, seven classrooms
for high
school students, two classrooms for the grammar and primary grades, and spacious
halls and cloakrooms. The basement has several spare classrooms, a small
in which noon lunches are prepared by two cooks, the lavatories, and fuel
and fur-
nace rooms. The large high school enrollment is now more than taxing the
of the building. The structure has no gymnasium, so the Levenhagen hall is
used for
basketball games and the social affairs of the school.
    Mishicot Jt. 1 has within a century become the educational center for
Manitowoc county. Its school has grown from a little one-room rural building
one of the largest rural high schools of the county. The first graded school
for the
district was set up in 1881 when two teachers were employed. The first teachers
of the two-room school were Prin. John A. Hussey and primary teacher Martha
McMillan. In 1904, the school became a first class state graded school when
teachers were employed and the ninth grade work was begun. The teachers then
were Prin. F. J. Sievers, A. L. Stengel, and Stasia Kenny. By 1915, the schoolboard
employed four teachers when the 10th grade was added. The teachers at that
were Prin. Elmer Koch, Laura B. Smith, Amanda Heyroth, and Jennie Stoneman.
Three district owned buses transport the rural high school pupils to this
school from
the surrounding areas.
    Summer and winter terms of school were held until about 1876 according
county records. The winter session of five or six months began in September
closed about March 1st. The summer session began in April and continued to
the first week in August. The monthly salary has always been above that of
teachers nearby. The county record shows that in 1872 R. C. McLeod was paid
monthly for a six month term. Because the summer session was not as strenuous,
Mr. McLeod was paid $50 per month in 1873. No record of the names of teachers
prior to 1872 was given, but. those teaching after that year up to 1906 were:
R. C.
McLeod 1872-75, both winter and summer sessions; Anton Braasch 1876; Chas.
1877; E. A. Benedict 1878; M. Hale Smith for the first 10 month term in 1879;
A. Hussey and Martha McMillan 1880-83; John O'Hara and Ella Scott 1884; no
ords from 1885-1890; Floyd Westgate and C. Thompson 1890-91; Win. O'Hara
Carretta Thompson 1892; Win. O'Hara and Josie Thompson 1893; Walter Stoker
Hilda Thompson 1894-97; Otto Zander and Dora Halverson 1898; Walter Runge
Dora Halverson 1899; Walter Runge and Leona Wagner 1900-1902; E. S. Crowe
Leona Wagner 1902-03; F. J. Sievers, Stasia Kenny, and A. L. Stengel 1904;
A. L. Stengel, Stasia Kenny, and T. Tollefson in 1905.