In the basket they had two loaves of bread which the children cut into large
for their noon lunch. They also recall that in the early days the girls wore
filled with cut-feed. A favorite trick of the larger boys was to cut these
bustles with
their pocket knives and watch the cut feed trickle out. In later years the
school became the meeting place for school fairs, spelling bees, and 4-H
club meetings.
    Maple Grove district No. 2 has no places of scenic or historical interest.
once a thriving rural village and postal center of the area, has gone the
way of many
other rural hamlets. With the coming of the rural free delivery system in
1905, the
postoffice was moved to Brillion and Kasson's importance to the community
inished. The district is rich in gravel deposits brought down by the continental
glacier. Today Kasson district is a community of prosperous farmers who are
tensely interested in providing their children with the best in modern educational

                           MAPLE GROVE 3- BROOKSIDE

    Maple Grove district No. 3
school was named the Brook-
side school because it was lo-
cated across the road from the
Brookside cheese factory. Very
likely, the name Brookside was
chosen for the factory because
a branch of Mud Creek mean-
ders through the eastern part
of the district. Older and near-
by community residents often
refer to it as the Frederich
school because of the long of-
ficial connection that the Fred-
erich family has had with the
affairs of the school. Today it
is commonly referred to as the
Grimm school since it is located
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cause Reinhardt Grimm has served as clerk for more than 25 years.
    Maple Grove No. 3 was organized about 1854 and included all of the present
Maple Grove No. 4. When Maple Grove No. 4 was set up in 1867, sections 19,
20, 29,
30, 31, and 32 were detached, leaving only sections 21, 22, 27, 28, and the
north halves
of 33 and 34 to this district. In 1930, when Supt. E. S. Mueller ordered
the detach-
ment of lands outside of the village of Reedsville in the old Rockland Jt.
1 school
district, the south halves of sections 33 and 34 were attached to Maple Grove
No. 3.
    There are no written records of this school prior to 1870. District residents
that the original log school house was used until it was replaced in 1888.
Fred Fred-
erich, the present County Board chairman, attended the old school. He reports
it was a small building with two windows on each long side. An entrance door
directly into a combination class and cloakroom. The desks were homemade
and the heating system consisted of a box stove. The room was ventilated
by open-
ing the windows. At each annual meeting the voters bid on the furnishing
of a fuel,
cleaning the school, and who should make the necessary repairs and additions.
1875, the voters authorized the building of an ouhouse 6½ x 3½
feet, for $10. Dan
Birkholz was requested to make four window blinds for $2.80 in 1876. Ferd
repaired and whitewashed the schoolroom for $2 in 1880. It was not until
1887 that
mention was made of insuring the schoolhouse. In 1888, the voters authorized
a new
school building and the old log school sold to Fred Thurow for $20. He moved
it to
his farm one rhile northwest of the school site and used it for a pig stable.
    On October 15, 1873, at 1 P. M. a special meeting was called to consider
ness of schoolhouse". The record books do not state what business was
transacted at
this special meeting. In 1888, Fred Stelling was paid $384 to build a frame
house on the site of the old building. The building is about 24 x 30 feet
with three
windows on each long side. An entrance door leads into a cloakroom extending
across the front of the building. This room was used as a cloak, storage,
and fuel
room. At first the school was heated with'a stove purchased for $11, but
that was
replaced in the year 1909 by a floor furnace heating and ventilating system