[anitowoc County has always had as its supervisors people whose qualifications
ded the demands of the statutes. The following well-qualified and efficient
visors helped further the county's high educational standards:
         Lillian Chloupek ------------------------1915-1920
         Elizabeth Marquardt -----.----------------- 1918-1925
         Anna M. Pritchard --------------- 1920-1927; 1935-1941
         Amrnd, W-lvinth           .                l9g.IO9O

             Joseph J. Rappel --------------------------- 1928-1942
             Frieda Hammann -------------------------- 1930-1933
             Robert Guse ---------------------------- 1942-1945
             Gretna T. Brown -------- ---------------1941-1946
             Clara Lallensack ------------------------ 1946-

   Teachers' meetings were held as early as 1860, but no formal attempts
were made
x hold and conduct duly organized sessions until 1872. Efforts were made
at that
[ine to set up a county teachers' association. The first officers elected
for the asso-
iation were Pres. C. A. Viebahn, Vice-Pres. W. A. Walker, and Emma Guyles,
ary. Evidently that organization attempt was not followed through with the
Liat another attempt was made in 1875. At that time Hosea Barnes was elected
ent, John Nagle secretary, and Alice Canright treasurer. No further attempt
iade to organize an aggressive county association of teachers until the present
owoc County Teachers' Association was organized in 1893.

te present teacners" association, when it was first organized m 1893,
Le county be divided into six sections. This sectional idea was continued
vhen the four rural sections organized a Manitowoc County Rural Education
ation, separate apd distinct from the city associations. Each of the sections
1 held a number of sectional meetings during the year to discuss teaching
s pertinent to each group.

The MnnitAwn' flnijntv 'l'p~phpr,~' A~noi~,tinn w~ nruzni~'d hv ~ ~n'nrn
Al onnnfv

"desirous to attain greater proficiency, and to promote the interests
of the
schools", according to the Constitution adopted and distributed in 1899.
s for which the association was organized seem to be the principles of the
In today for the 1947 Constitution states that the purposes of the organiza-
to "attain higher professional standards and to promote the interests
of edu-
Today the Manitowoc County Education Association is one of the oldest, if
Idest, county teachers' associations in the state with a record of outstanding
ficial meetings and conventions having been held during its long existence.
'esent time the annual convention is limited to a one day affair for all
*rs. That was not always the pattern, for prior to 1930 the annual conven-
e held for two days with general meetings in the forenoons and with separate
sessions arranged for the high school teachers, for the city grade teachers,
he rural teachers. The teachers in the afternoon meetings listened to leaders
Ilds of specialized subjects much as teachers now do in attending a regional
the development of city systems, there arose a demand for city teachers'
ms that would meet the needs and demands of the urban teachers. Two Riv-
he first to organize its own city teachers' association about 1920. Manitowoc
I its Educational Association in the 1930's, while the rural teachers set
anization in 1941. All rural and urban teachers have had 100% membership
isconsin Education Association since about 1930. The teachers of the cities
ges have also 100% membership in the National Education Association and
ortheastern Education Association. Full attendance of paid up members at

various teachers' conventions is an accepted policy.

   Way back when the county superintendency was first set up in 1862, one
of the
uties of the county superintendent of schools was "to organize and conduct
at least
tne institute for the instruction of teachers each year." The school
laws of the present,
hapter 39.19, provide that "the county superintendent of schools may
each year con-
uct one or more institutes for teachers". During the 85 years that institutes
een held, the type and quality of these meetings have evolutionized to meet
hanging conditions and times. An institute called by Supt. Michael Kirwan
for June
2, 1873. at Manitowoc was held for four weeks. Such institutes were the equivalent
f the present summer school sessions at state teachers' colleges, for teachers
ssigned lessons and expected to recite daily on common school branches.

