The Quarterly Index which has been pub-
lished for many years by the Milwaukee
Public Library came to an end on Jan. 1,
1918. No sufficient reason appeared for its
further existence. Few people called for
it or even saw it. By the time it appeared
in print it was history. The needs of the
library and the public will be better served
by a pamphlet that is a little nearer the
firing line. THE LIBRARY LOG will ap-
pear each month, except July and August.
It will include the material formerly print-
ed in the Quarterly Index and the Munic-
ipal Library Bulletin with other items such
as may be of interest to patrons of the li-
brary, and to the library staff. Any citizen
of \Iilwaukee may have the pamnphlet sent
to his home by depositing the postage at the
receiving counter of the Delivery Room and
having his name entered upon the mailing
The Library Log will be printed at the
end of the month. It will contain the ad-
ditions made to the library during the
month, with the call numbers.
A page of the L. L. will be devoted to
some of the worth-while books of the
month, with brief commentary.
Suggestions looking to the improvement
of the library service will be received gladly.
Correspondents are requested to give name
and address for convenient reference.
Harold Speakman is a Milwaukee man of
the younger generation, of whom we have
reason to be proud. He is an artist and a
poet and what is more, he is a man. Read
his poem "Three" and then read Proverbs
xvi, 32, and you have the best ideals of the
American army. And, by the way, wasn't
that the spirit of Cromwell's Army-the
Ironsides? Plymouth Rock gets above wa-
ter every once in a while!
We need more books for our soldiers.
All that have been received have been for-
warded, and the call still comes for more.
Our boys need the best we can give them.
All classes of books can be useful. The
Library Bulletin notes that magazines should
not be sent to the camps in the absence of
explicit directions. Directions with regard
to both books and magazines may be had by
writing to:
Depot Quartermaster, U. S. Army, 3615
Iron Street, Chicago, Illinois.
Latest reports give an even more satisfy-
ing standing for the results of Wisconsin's
efforts toward raising its share in the mil-
lion dollar library war fund. Under date
of December 24, 1917, the reports show a
total of something over $1,600,000. The
first ten states in order of amount con-
tributed are as follows:

New York ............$411,590.55
Massachusetts ..........182,087.75
Illinois  ................104,947.42
Ohio ..............     76,510.83
Pennsylvania ............46,462.89
Connecticut .............45,979.75
Wisconsin ..............41,114.56
Indiana  .................40,582.94
California  ...............35,679.12
The New York total includes the Car-
negie gift of $320,000. If that were ex-
cluded, both Massachusetts and Illinois
would stand above the Empire State in the
list. It is of special significance that a na-
t ional committee of librarians and library
workers have achieved a distinct triumph in
the business field-a triumph the credit of
which belongs in a large measure to Frank
P. Hill, chairmnan of the Finance Commit-
tee."-Library Bulletin.
Don't become impatient if the latest novel
or war narrative is not in when asked for.
There are 80,000 card holders drawing books
and no library can purchase an unlimited
amount of ephemeral literature. There are
109 reservations now for 'Over the Top."
How many will there be six months hence?
Come to the library office and get some
sheets of special paper and make a few scrap
books for the hospitals and hospital ships.
Ask for a copy of the specifications. Some
of the books turned in are works of art,
not only in the beautiful workmanship, but
in the excellent judgment and good taste
displayed. The library will gladly furnish
the supplies. These scrap hooks, suggested
first in England by Kipling, are a great
blessing to sick men.
Is the life of a library worker worth liv-
ing? Ask the young girl who received this
letter from a lady who asked for help.
Chicago University.
"Dear Miss
I did not find anyone who was
not pleasant when I gathered thesis ma-
terial in the Milwaukee library. I never
was in a library where everybody was so
accommodating and helpful."
"Books have    four sorts of readers;
sponges, which extract all without any dis-
tinguishment of quality; hour-glasses, which
receive and pour it out as fast; bags, which
retain only the dregs of the spices and good,
letting the purer wine escape; and sieves,
which separate and sort out the true nug-
gets of pure gold, retaining the best only."
-Quoted   in "Hidden Way Across the