Winifred B. Merrill, Librarian
City Hall, 8th Floor                                        Telephone Main 3715
Hours: 8 to 5:15; Sat. 8 to 12:15
Municipal Reference Library. In contrast to the other branches of the Public
Library, whose collections of books embrace information on all subjects, the Municipal
Reference Library is a special library whose functions are to provide information on
municipal government and on the varied activities carried on by municipalities. With
this aim in view, the library collects books and pamphlets from every available source,
and supplements the printed information by extended correspondence. The library
aims to serve especially city officials and civic workers, but it welcomes any opportunity
which may arise to extend its services to the general public.
Municipal Reference Library Bulletin. The Municipal Reference Library
Bulletin, which has been issued by the Municipal Reference Library for the past two
years as a separate bulletin, will hereafter be included in The Library Log of the
Milwaukee Public Library which makes its initial appearance with this issue as a
monthly publication of the library. Those who have been receiving the Bulletin will
receive the Log in which a separate section will be devoted to the interests of the
Municipal Reference Library.

Clark, Marion K. The English for safety
campaign by the New York state indus-
trial commission. N. Y. state ind. com.
bul. Dec. 1917.                     331.825Z
By its "English for safety campaign'' the
N. Y. state industrial commission intends to
make a concerted drive for the conservation of
labor. Its campaign is based on the theory that
the Americanization of foreigners is essential to
promoting safety work and decreasing the num-
her of industrial accidents.
Milwaukee, Wis.       Centralized   budget of
philanthropies. Report. 1916-17.
This report, the first issued since the federated
budget system was organized in Milwaukee, is a
very valuable addition to the literature on that
subject. It contains a survey of the methods and
the work done by the centralized budget, a brief
report from each of the associations which re-
ceive funds and a directory of the social welfare
agencies in Milwaukee.
New York City public welfare committee.
Humanizing the greater city's charities:
work of the department of public char-
ities of New York. N. Y. 1917. 144p.
Few people realize that the New York depart-
ment of public charities, a branch of the New
York city government, is the largest charitable
organization in the world. The pamphlet is de-
scriptive of its work and the many institutions
under its jurisdiction. Illustrated  by  photo-
graphs, pen sketches, charts and tables, the re-
port has been made exceedingly attractive and

Child Labor
Abels, Margaret Hutton. From school to
work: study of children leaving school
under 16 years of age to go to work in
Waltham, Mass., an industrial community
of about 30,000 inhabitants. Wash. 1917.
59p. (U. S.-Children's bureau bul.)
Guild, Arthur Alden. Baby farms in Chi-
cago.   Chic. 1917. 27p.             362.7G94
This thorough study of the conditions existing
in homes where children were boarded apart
from  their parents was made by the Chicago
juvenile protective association. The report rec-
ommends: That every child shall be considered
dependent one month after its parent, parents or
legal guardian have ceased to provide for its
care; That every home where a child is boarded
apart from its parents with one not related shall
be registered, and all homes where two or more
children are boarded shall be licensed by the
State department of public welfare; That all home
placing organizations or individuals shall be li-
censed; That it shall be made unlawful to give
away the permanent custody of a child without
first obtaining consent of the Juvenile court, the
Juvenile court to have. exclusive power to issue
a decree for adoption.
Minneapolis, Minn., woman's club-Social
economics dept. Brief outline of Minne-
apolis city government. Minn. 1917. 32p.
The material for the pamphlet was gathered
together from scattered smurces by the members
of the Minneapolis woman's club in preparation