926                   WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK.



                              FIRST SESSION, 1836.
     Convened at Belmont, Iowa county, Oct. 25, and adjourned Dec. 9, 1836.

  Presidcnt-Henry  S. Baird, of Brown. Secrctary-Edward     McSherry. Ccr-
                        geant-at-Arms-William Henry.
 Brown-Henry S. Baird, John P. Arndt.
 Jowi-Ebenezer Brigham, John B. Terry, James R. Vineyard.
 Dobuqc-Thomas McCraney, John Foley, Thomas McKnight.
 Crawford-[Had no member of the Council.*]
 MIil aukee-Alanson Sweet, Gilbert Knapp.
 Des Moines-Jeremiah Smith, Jr., Joseph B. Teas, Arthur B. Ingraham.

 Speaker-Peter Hill Engle, of Dubuque. Chief Clerk-Warren Lewis. Sergeant-
                        at-Arms-Jesse M. Harrison.
 Des Moines-Isaac Leffier, Thomas Blair, John Box, George W. Teas, David
     Chancd, Warren L. Jenkins, Eli Reynolds.
 Ciairford-James H. Lockwood, James B. Dallam.
 Mlilivankce-William B. Sheldon, Madison W. Cornwall, Charles Durkee.
 Iowa-William   Boyles, George F. Smith, Daniel MI. Parkinson, Thomas Mc-
     Knight, Thomas Shanley, James P. Cox.
 Dubiiqine-Loring Wheeler, Hardin Nowlin, Hosea T. Camp, Peter Hill Engle,
     Patrick Quigley.
 Brown -Ebenezer Childs, Albert G. Ellis, Alexander J. Irwin.1

                       SECOND SESSION, 1837-1838.
   Convenea at Burlington, Des Moines county, Nov. 6, 1837, and adjourned
Jan. 20, 1838.

 President-Arthur B. Ingraham, of Des Moines.    Secretary-George Beatty.
                      Sergeant-at-A-rms-Levi Sterling.
Browni  John P. Arndt, Joseph Dickinson.2
Iowa-Ebenezer Brigham, John H. Terry, James R. Vineyard.
Milwankee--Alanson Sweet, Gilbert Knapp.
Dubnque--John Foley, Thomas McKnight, Thomas McCraney.
Des Moines-Jeremiah Smith, Jr. Joseph B. Teas, Arthur B. Ingraham.
Craivford-[Had no member of the Council.]

  *Thomas P. Burnett claimed a seat, but was rejected by a vote of the Coun-
cil, as the appointment of members belonged exclusively to the Executive
of the
  'Seat successfully contested by George McWilliams.
  21In place of Henry S. Baird, resigned. Mr. Dickinson's seat was contested
and vacated; replaced by Alexander J. Irwin.