In case of a refusal to appear, or a refusal to testify, the following
form of
 certificate may be used:
    "To Hon.                , (Prcsidbig Officer).
    "I,       -    -, chairman of the joint committee appointed to investigate
         do hereby certify that                has been duly subpoenaed to
 before said committee, as will fully appear by the writ served, and affidavit
 service accompanying same, on file with the Chief Clerk of the Assembly.
   "I further certify that said                  has failed to appear
before said
 committee, according to the exigency or mandate of said writ or subpoena.
   "Dated, Miadison,   -, S-, at -   o'clock.

   Upon which a warrant in the following form may be used:
 "The State of WVisconsin to the Sergeant-at-Ariizs of the Assemiibly:
   It appearing that a writ of subpmona, directed to           , commanding
 him to personally appear and attend before Messrs.           , on the part
 the Senate, and MIessrs.               , on the part of the Assembly, a
joint com-
 mittee appointed under a resolution of the Senate and Assembly, to investigate
               , at the room of said committee, in the city of Madison, the
 of the State, the          day of         , A. D. 18-, at the hour of  
 the - noon, then and there, and from time to time, as required by sa'd com-
 mittee, to testify and give evidence upon the matter of inquiry before said
 mittee has been issued, ani that the said writ of subpoena was duly personally
 served upon the said                 , on the         day of        , A.
D. 18-,
 and returned as provided in section one of an act entitled 'an act concern-
 ing evidence and witnesses,' approved February, 3, 18557; and it further
 ing by the certificate of the chairman of the said joint committee, that
 said                  has failed or neglected to appear before the said
 mittee in obedience to the mandate of the said subpoena; therefore, you
 hereby commanded, in the name of the State of Wisconsin, to take the body
 of him, the said                 , and bring him before thes
 that he may testify and give evidence before the said committee, and answer
 his contempt of the Assembly in not obeying the mandate of subpoena. Hereof
 fail not.
   "Given at the          Chamber In the city of Madison aforesaid,
day of         , A. D. 18-.
                                           "___,_(Presiding Officer).
"Chief Cierik of the       ."

   To which the return, in ordinary cases, would be:
   "By virtue of the within process, I did, on the -    day of -, 18-,
the body of                , and took him before the committee within named,
the said                 having refused to answer interrogatories propounded
said committee, I have him, by direction of said committee, now before the
   "Assembly chamber,--, 18-.
                                          "Sergeant-at-Arms of the Assembly.-"

  A resolution declaring the defaulter to be in contempt, Is the next procecd'ng.
  The following form of such resolution was used at the session of 185S:
  "1Resolved, that the neglect or failure of          , to appear before
joint investigating committee composed of Messrs.             of the Senate,
and Messrs.                , of the assembly, in compliance with the mandate
the writ of subpoena of this Assembly, served upon him on the    instant,
fully appears by the said writ and the affidavit of the service thereof indorsed
thereon, now on file with the Chief Clerk of this House, be and the said
and failure is hereby declared a contempt ef this House."
  This is followed by an interrogatory, as follows:
  "Int. 1.-Why did you not appear before the joint Investigating committee
required by the mandate of the subpoena served upon you the -  inst. ?"
  To which the defaulter pleads before judgment is inflicted.