GRAND ARMY DATA.                              

                   THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT.

  The Department of Wisconsin was organized June 7, 1866, and the first Wis-
consin Post was chartered at Madison June 10, 1866. This post, now known
Lucius Fairchild, No. 11, is still active and has 184 members. Post No. 4,
Ber'in, was chartered Sept. 8, 1866, and has maintained ever since an unbroken
organization. It is said to be the oldest Post in existence with an unbroken
ord. Post No. 10, Oshkosh, was chartered Aug. 1, 1866.
  General James K. Proudfit was the leading spirit in the organization of
G. A. R. in Wisconsin and became the first Department Commander. He is now
the oldest Post Commander and Department Commander living. The following
is the list of all Commanders up to the present:

Jame- K. Proudfit 1866
*11. A Starr ......,1867
*af. M. Rusk....... 1868
*T S. Allen ....... 1869--70
*vdtward Fergusen 1-71-72
: \. J. Alc ('oy .. . .. 1871
G A. Haunaford . 1871-75
J,,hn H'incock .. 1896
entry G. Rogers.. ,877
S. F. Hammond     1878
Giff J. Thomas    1 i9-81
H. M   Eios  .    1889
Philip Cheek ...  1883-81
*Jaines Davidson.. 1885

'Lucius Fai,-chiildt
It P. Fisher, from
   S,-ptem er
Michsel Griffin....
A G Weissertt....
Leander: Verguson.
  from October
  RetijamitiF Bryant
  W. 1i. Upham.....
  C/ B. Welt, n.
  E. A. Shores...
  J. A. Watrous.....
  NV. D. Hoard.
*D. LloN d Jones ....

1886       B. Gray..
        Clharlos HI. Russel
1886      bIert i-IHatnd,,0...
188w     S  H. "'Ialt adg2,
1886 -89  from March . .
         David G. James.
1889     -\. k-. D-Grtuff.
1890     .[ames t, -1.A¢n..
1891    JosephP   iRundle.
1192     Plliny Norcross....
16 :3    F. A. ('opeland....
1891     John W. Uanes....

  *Deceased.   tEiected Commander-in-Chief.

  The Department reached its largest niembership in 1889, when it was 13,944.
December 31, 1906, there were 253 Posts, with 9,378 members.
  The 'egislature of 1901 established in the capitol a permanent G. A. R.
rial hall for the preservation of relics and books commemorative of the war,
tures of war scenes, and portraits of men and women who did good service
war times. This hall was to be maintained by the state. It was made the head-
quarters of the Department of Wisconsin and was well equipped by the state
that purpose.     It was the finest department headquarters in the United
States. When, Feb. 27, 1904, fire broke out in the capitol, this hall, with
all it
contained, was completely destroyed; but in the new capitol there wi'l be
larger room of this kind and much better equipped. H. W. Rood, Company E,
12th Wisconsin, is Custodian of this 'Memorial Hall. At present the Depart-
ment is at home at 117 North Hamilton street. Wisconsin is generous in her
attitude toward the old soldiers.
  At the last Encampment Marinette, June 13-15, 1906      the fo'lowing named
officers were chosen: Commander, John W. Gancs, Fox Lake; Senior Vice Com-
mander, Jason K. Wright, Marinette; Junior Vice Commander, L. A. Brace, Eau
Claire; Medical Director, F. R. Garlock. M. D., Racine; Chaplain, Rev. A.
Britton, Superior; Assistant Adjutant General, C. A. Pettibone, Waupon; As-
sistant Quartermaster General, F. A. Bird, Madison: Chief of Staff, F. A.
Milwaukee; Chief Mustering Officer, Joseph V. Voulier, Green Bay; Judge Ad-
vccate, George W. Burnell, Oshkosh: Inspector. R. B. Showalter, Lancaster;
Patriotic Instructor, I-. W. Rood, Madison.
  Council of Admint strat'oet-H. C. Putnam, Brodheiad; J. M. Botsford, Eau
Claire; Edward Scofield, Oconto; Orville Strong, Dodgeville; D. J. Dill,
  Trustees-J. L. Bear, Janesville, till 1907 ; Win. Handeyside, De Pere,
1908; Philip Cheek, Baraboo, till 1909.
  V sitorj to Veterans' Hoite, Wattpaca-R. E. Osborne, La. Crosse; F. II.
man, Kenosha; J. C. Martin, Mineral Point.
  The Encampment for 1907 will be held at Oshkosh, June 3A6.

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