fLhtAlIArHII  AL  SKE4%1rtCIES                 1139


FIERMAN L. EKERN, Speaker; C. E. SHAFFER, Chief Clerk; W. S. IRVINE,

  The assembly consists of 100 members. They are chosen biennially and re-
ceive $5i0 for their set-vices during the term. The speaker is chosen by
members and receives an add't'onal $500 for his services as speaker. The
sembly of 1907 contains 76 republicans, 19 democrats, and 5 social democrats.


         One District. Population, 1900-19,650.

   FRANK J. KIMBALL (Rep.) was horn in Washing-
 ton county, New York. Nov. 25th, 1846. came to Wis-
 consin in 1954 where he received a common school edo
 cation, lived on a farm In Columbia county until 1872
 then moved to Brigglsville, Marquette county, his pres-
 ent home. After leaving the farm, clerked In a gen-
 eral store for one year and then went into the sewing
machine business, lie was local agent for three years
and general agent for six years: went Into general
merchandising In 1885 which occupation le still fol-

lows; held the office of town clerk for live years. school  Frank J. Kimball.
district clerk for twenty and notary public for fifteen
years; was elected member of assembly in 1002 and was
re-elected in 19(INK  receiving 2,086 votes against 03 foi
   E. Reynolds (Pro.).

                ASHLAND COUNTY.

        One District. Population, 1900-20,176.

Germany. Dec 20, 1840, where lie received a good com-
mon school edncntion. After his thirty-second year he
held several responsible positions. one of which he
filled for nine succOssive years from 1872 to 1881 when
he emigrated with his family to America and In 1888
finally settled In Ashland, Wis. tIere he conducted a
meat-market and groi.,ry store in company with his
son. M. TI. Berg. who now conducts the business alone,
0. 1t. Berg having withdrawn in 1892. In political af-
fairs he has always been a staunch and active repub-
lican; has been a member of the republican county
committee for twenty-two years and a member of the
republican city committee of which he has also served

as chairman. At presont he Is a member of the board
of education on which he has served for two terms.        dve H. Berg.
lie received the nomination for member of the assembly
In 1906, and at the geueral election received 1.706 votes
against 733 for Albert F. Fox (Dem.), and 226 votes
for Jn. F. Miles (Soe. Dem.).