    President-Theodore Roosevelt, of New York,- salary......... $50,000
    Vice-i resident-Char'es Warren Fairbanks, of Indiana ....... 8,000

                            THE CABINET.t

Arranged in the order of succession for the Presidency declared by Chapter
          Acts of 49th Congress, .st Session, and Subsequent Acts.

      Secretary of State-Elihu Root, of New York.
      Secretary of the Treasury-Geo. B. Cortelyou, of New York.
      Secr,,'91tesA War---William H. Taft, of Ohio.
      Attorney G'eneral-Charles J. Bonaparte, of Maryland.
      Po. tmastee-Genera  IGeorge von L. Meyer, of Massachusetts.
      Secrctary ,of the Navy-Victor 1I. Metcalf, of California.*
      Secretary of Interior-James R. Garfded, of Oh'o.
      Secretary of Agriculture--James Wilson, of Iowa.
      Secretary of Commerce and Labor--OScar S. Straus, of New York.
        The salaries of the Cabinet officers are $8,000 each.

                         THE DEPARTMENTS.

                         STATE' DEPI\ARTMT"ENT.
Assistant Secretary'-Robert Bacon, N. Y ............................ $4,500
Second Assistant Secretary-A. A. Adee, D. C......................... 4,500
Third Assistant Secretary--Huntington Wi son, I'l.....................4,500
Chief Clerk---Charles Denby........................................ 3,000
Assistant Solicitor-Joshua R. Clark, Jr., UD_'i3........................,00
Assistant Solicitor-William C. Dennis, Ind.......................... 3, 000
Ch. Diplomatic Bareau -S. Y. Smith, D. C............................ 21,100
Ch. Consu'ar Bureau---Wilbur J. Carr, D. C.......................... 2,100
Ch. Indexes and Archives-John R. Buck..........................      2,100
Ch. Bureau Accounts-Thos. Morrison, N..Y.........................    2,100
Ch. Bureau Rolls and Library-William 'rlcN:aii' ..................... 2,10o
Ch. Bureau Trade Relations  John B. Osborner.......................2,100
Co. Bureau Appointments-Chas. R. Dean ...........................     2,100
Ch. Bureau  Passports -Gaillard  Hunt, D. C.......................... 2,100

   * Secretary to the President, William Loeb, Jr.
   t As re arrangcd by the President in November, 19016, to take effeet at
dates from Deleember 1, 1906, to March 4, 1907. Prior to these changes the
Cabinet vas as follows: State, Elihu Root, N. Y." Treasury, Leslie M.
Iowa War, William IT. Taft, Ohio; Attorney-General, WilliamI T. Moody, Mass.-
Postuasaer-General, George B. Cortelyou, N. Y." Navy, C. J. Bonaparte,
Interior, E. A. Ilitcheock, Mo.; Agriculture, James Wilson, Iowa; Commerce
Labor, Victor Mctcalf, Cal.