BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES.                        1125



  The senate is composed of thirty-three members, who hold office for four
years and receive $500 each for their services at each regular session. Mein-
bers of tlho senate, session of 19M?, representilng o(d-noinhered districts,
elected in 1906. Their terms will end Jan. 1, 1911. Those representing even-
numbred districts were elected in 1904. Their terms will end Jan. 1, 1909.
The lieutenant-governor is president of the senate, but can vote only in
case of
a tie. A temporary president, to act in the absence of the president, is
chosen by the members of the senate. The senate of 1907 contains 27 repub-
licans, 5 democrats, and one social democrat. Lieutenant-Governor W. D.
Connor, president; Jas. I1. Stout, president pro tern; A. It. Emerson, chief
clerk; 1R. C. Falconer, sergeant-at-arms.


Door, I(ewaunee and Marinette counties. Population,

  HARLAN 1PAGE BIRD (Rep.), of Wausaukee, is a
native of Bradford Co., 1a., born 66 years ago of New
England parents. Attending common schools only, he
engaged in land surveying and bookkeeping, which took
him to Brooklyn, N. Y., and thence to the lumber
woods of Marinette Co. He volunteered in '61, served
four years in the civil war, two of which was as staff
officer at division and corps headquarters; was wounded
in the Vicksburg rifle pits. After the war he engaged

in lumbering and mercantile pursuits; is also president  ttrtan Page Bird.
of the Wausaukee State Bank. lIe was electedl stale
senator in 190W, and re-elected in 1900, receiving 4,99,
votes, against 3,125 for Leo. J. Evans (Dem.), and
216 for James Larson (Soc. Dem.).


 Brown and Oeonto counties. P'opulation, 1900 07,213.

 HENRY F. IIAGE-AEISTER (Rep.), of Green Bay,
 Brown county, is a native of Wisconsin. lIe was born
 in Green Bay, Nov. 18, 1855, and was educated in the
 parochial and public schools of that city. lIe is presi-
 dent and manager of the Hagemeister Brewing Com-
 pany of Green Bay and president of Kellogg's National
 Bank. He has served his city in the capacity of alder-
 man and supervisor and in 1802 was elected a member
 of the assembly as a democrat, and was re-elected in
189I. Ie was elected state senator in 1900 on the re-

7,n  votes, Lagai nt L, a ,1  ingleton 1 (D9m-.  e   rc i nry
F. Hageeneister.
7,OW votes, against 5,318 for F. R. Singleton (Dem.). HerF. aeeie.