Shoe shop.........................
   Subsistence................36,739 16
   Surgical instrunmeats and apliances            ..............
   Tailor shop    .............................................
   Tobacco    .........................................    89 4  07
   Transferring prisoners ........................ .............
 SWages and salaries..........................         31,593 92
Broom       factory   ..............................................
   Rent of cottages......................           ..............
   A rm ory   ......................................... I ..............

Convicts escaped    .............................

      T otal ................................... .
G ains  deducted    ...............................

      Net expenditures     .......................
Amount deducted by secretary of state:
  For   inlsurance  ...............................
  For   printing .................................

      Total   cost  ...............................
Received   from   counties ......................
Receipts for convict labor ...................

      Net cost to state ........................

  $108,815 82
    -3,371 41

  $105,444 41

      911 16
      205 56

 9106,561 13
   71,137 s99

   $35,423 14

    40,112' 9'1
      893 5;--

  . . .........
  32, 927 31

       41 49

 $114,179 37
   1,111 1'2

 $113,068 25

      947 3O
      74 42

 $114,039 97
   74,727 I8

   $39,362 39

...... . . . . ... .. .. ..

S..............  i.............

    17,0l 5 7   17,2650 5

    c441   A1  442- s 19501 .2

   Z2,475 46

 $39,508 32

     411 98
     45 21

 $39,965 51

$394655 51

*3,424 14

$39.077 20

    4ý21 20
    17 23

$39,515 63

$39,515 63

      *"22 6-1
    341,63 04
       12 80
       13 52

  $125,079 05
  *10.05.5 600
  $115,025 4

    1,406 3'4

       65 49

  $118G,49ý3 28
  63,859 16

  $3.2,603 12

     *927 33
   37,303 59
       20 39
       29 55
   45,814 85

$118,49.7 43
  *13,509 12

  $104,318 31

    1,613 67
       64 64

 $106,509 62
   70,462 22

   $36,134 40

      359 42
    13,788 57
   16,335 23
   *1,382 52
     *626 80
        3 34

  $46,9363 37,
  *6,649 88

  $39,713 49

      573 87
      53 44

  $40,340 80
   23,138 61

   $17,202 19

       355 27
    13,378 77
     1,387 72
     17,554 37
     *1, 817 34
     *050 O9
         11 00

   $47,771 97
   *12,2,23 44

   $35,548 53

       711 98
       87 92

   $35,348 43

   25,882 93
   $10,465 6
