1166                   WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK.

               OUTAGAMIE COUNTY.

Second District. The towns of Black Creek, Buchanan,
  Cicero, Deer Creek, Freedom, Hortonla, Kaukauna,
  Liberty, Maine, Maple Creek, Osbo.n and Seymour,
  that part of the Oneida reservation that lies within
  Ouragamie county, the villages of Hortonville and
  Little Chute, the cities of Kaukauna and Seymour and
  the 3d ward of the city of New London. Popula-
  tion, 1900-23,145.

  CHARLES HAGEN        (Rep.), of Outagamie county,
was born In the town of Lomira, Dodge county, Wis-

                   cousin. on the 12th day of March. 1862. He continued
Charles Hagen.     to reside there upon the old homestead until 1882,
                   when be came to Outagamie county and located at
                   Black Creek and established himself in business on a
                   small scale. His business interests have grown yearly
                   and he now has a good sized manufactarlng institution
                   turning out cheese boxes, cisterns, tanks, window and
                   door frames, etc., with a lumber yard in connection.
                   Mr. Hagen received a common school education, which
                   has been added to by practical business experience.
                   Mr. Hagen served as town clerk and justice of the
                   peace at Black Creek, and was tendered the nomina-
                   tion again, but'his business interests nad increased to
                   such an extent that he could not accept. Subsequently
                   he was elected president of the school board of the
                   Blacik Creek graded schools and has officiated In that
                   capacity for the past twelve years. He is now serving
                   as president of the village board of the recently In-
                   corporated village; was elected to the assembly In
                   1904. and re-elected In 1906. receiving 1,511 votes against
                   1,4S7 votes for G. Folk (Dem.).

                                   OZAUKEE COUNTY.

        One District. P'opulation, 1uuu-1u,,ou.

  WILLIAM T. BICHLER (Dem.), of Belgium, Wis.,
was born in the town o? Holland, Sheboygan county,
Nov. 14, 1870. Followed farm   life shd attended the
common schools of said town;1later entered the Plo
None College at St. Francis, Wis., and at the age of
eighteen began teaching, which profession he followed
for five years in Sheboy'gýan colffty. In 1894 he settled
in the town of Belgium, Ozaukee county and took up
general farming, where he has since conducted a grain
and dairy farm. He Is also engaged in the real estate
and insurance business. Has been secretary of the

                     tow~n of B5eliumlll  Mutual l  re nFq. o1",   .
s'l: nee 't  In
William .J. BichleT7. the spring of 1906 he was elected chairman of the
                     town of Belgium. Was elected to the assembly In 1906,
                     receiving 1.804 votes against 831 for Peter L. Pierron
                     (Rep.), 69 for William E. Vetter (Sec. Dem.), and 63
                     for Arthur J. Pallansch (Ind.).