'1160                  WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK.

189S he enlisted in the Spanish-American war, Com-
pany D, 4th Wisconsin Volunteers, and was promoted
to the rank of corporal and served until mustered out
Febraury 28th, 1899; elected member of the assembly
in 1906, receiving 1,707 votes against 1,148 votes for
Chas. Grobowsk (Soc. D)em.), and   70 votes for Jos.
R. Cushbert (Dem.).

              MILWAUKEE COUNTY.

Third District. The seventeenth ward of tin city of
  Milwaukee, the towns of Oak Creek and Lake, the
  village of Cudahy, and the city of South Milwaukee.

     Willam Dsch.   Population, 1900--22,236i.
William Diseh.
                    WILLIAM DISCH (Rep.) was born in Glarus, Swit-
                  zerland, Jan. 12, 1840; came to America in 1853; lived
                  in New   Jersey one year; removed to Milwaukee in
                  1854 where he has since resided; received his education
                  in the common schools; is a retired farmer; served
                  two years and ten months in the Civil war, being a

ble discharge at the close of the war; was a night-
wvatch at the state capitol two years, policeman and
janitor live years; neter sought or held an elective-
office; was elected to the assembly in 1906, receiving
1,801 votes against 1,214 votes cast for A. T. Neumann
(Soc. Dem.)

              MILWAUKEE COUNTY.

Fourth District. The 15th and 16th wards of the city
        of Milwaukee. Population, 1900-22,346.

  GEORIGE F. (GRASSE (Iep.) was born in Metheuen,

George F. Grassle. Mass., April 25, 1871, lived in Oshkosh and Appleton,
                    Wis., Sycamore, Ill., and Keokuk, Ia., until 1885 when
                    wvith his parents moved to Milwaukee where he has
                    lived practically continuously since. Graduated from
                    Beloit college In 1895 and engaged in newspaper busi-
                    ness which vocation lie still follows. Was elected
                    miember of assembly in 1906, receiving 2,873 votes
                    against 1,093 for Isadore Leiser (Dem.), and 828 for

Patrick D)evine (Soc. Dem.).

              MILWAUKEE COUNTY.

Fifth District. The 5th and 12th wards of the city of
         Milwaukee. Population, 1900-23,247.

  WILLIAM J. ALLDRIDGE (Soc. Dem.), of Milwau-
Lee, was born at Bay View, Wis., March 18, 1879; is a
machinist by trade and member of the machinists'
union. Never sought or held public office until he was
elected to the assembly in 1904. lIe was re-elected in
1906, receiving 1,503 votes against 1,015 votes for

William J. Alldridge. Desseler (Dem.).