646                    WISCONSIN     BLUE BOOK.

Engrossed Bills-L. N. Clausen, chairman; H. E. Roetue, E. E. Ca'n, .1. R.
     Jeremiah O'Neil.
Third Reading- -. E. Roethe, chairman; J. 0. Thomas, C. D. Thompson, F. J.
    Weber, Nichoas Schmidt.
Dams -E. F. Nelson, chairman; John Scott, D. F. Mains, C. Pickart, Fred Smith.
Education-Duncan -McGregor, chairman-; T. 11. Miller, F. ]I. Jackson, A.
     Schauer, Roderick Ainsworth, F. Petersen, Jr., G. W. Kindlin.
State FairJ--J. D. Jiarring, chairman; W. S. Hager, Win. Disch, Wilber Cahoon,
    Pliny Norcross, Thomas Reynolds, Fred Smith.

                         JOINT COMMITTEES.

Claims--Rodrick Aiusworth, chairman; rI. J. Nye, W. 'i. Curtiss, Duncan MIc-
     Gregor, E. T. Elver.
Charitable and Pcnal Institutions-J. 0. Thomas, chairman; D. F. Mains, W.
    Curtiss, L. N. Clausen, S. Kander
State Dcpartmcnts -Antone Kuckuk, chairman; D. C. Coolidge, W. A. Kay, J.
    Jones, Nicholas Schmidt.
Printing  V. S. Keptpel, chairman ; Ii. E. Roethe, Jeremiah O'Neil.
Fish and Game -E. A. Everett, chairman; Thomas Reynolds, Charles Neitzel,
    F. J. Kimbal', F. S. Bauer.
Capitol-A. S. F.aker, chairman; L. H. Bancroft, Wilber Cahoon, E. W. LeRo-,
    David Douglas.
Rules-Duncan -McGregor, chairman: C. A. Ingram.
Rcvision -C. F. Stout, chairman; Timothy Burke, hi. J. Cleary, j. P. Petcrson,
    E. T. Elver.
Enrolled Bills-Fred Ties, chairmnan; Jacob Luy, G. F. Grassie, E. A. Everett,
    G. W. Kindlin.
1Eorestry-W. ?i. Curtiss, chairman; W;hber Cahoon, C. R. Goldsworthy, C.
    Estabrook, Mi. L. Campbell.
Apportionment--R. J. Nye, chairman; E. G. Keup, Thomas A. Roycraft, W. R.
    Turner, W. A. Kay, F. -i. Jacl-so-i, II. I . IUcilbron, W. A. Cernahan,
J. A.


                                 SEN A.TE.
  Name.                                                Paper represented.
G. E. Vandercook. ......................................MIi-waukee Sentinel.
W'. W. Powell......................................... Milwaukee Free Press.
J. Winter Everctt.................................... \M ilwaukee  Daily
C. HI. Kelsey  ........................................... Milwaukee  Journal.
A. F. Phalk................................  Gwa Lee Cermania and Herald.
II. E. Knofft............................................h iadison  Democrat.
C. W. Rhodes.....................................T .- du Lac Commonwealth.

                               A SSEMF;L Y.
A. 0. Barton ............................................ Associated Press.
W. D. Schoenfio:d ........................................M ilwaukee  Sentinel.
P. II. Schram ........................................ iilw  aukee  Free
G. F. Grassie ..........................................Eveing  W isconsin.
0. D. Brandenburg....................................... adison Democrat.
A. 0. Barton......................................1 Wi.cnsila State  Journal.
Edward  Poli6c ........................................... .ancaster Teller.