BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHEhS.                         1137

ada and the Bedford Academy. Fie Is a lawyer, having
gl'lihnmitlell  trIl  thle  W iIcollliili  Uniiversity  LilW  S.*hoil
in 1889t. and is a nwiin,11r of the law IOrw of Morris &
Hiartwcli. at La Crosse. lie was elected dkisrict atior-
ney of La Crosse comilty tn 1898, a 11( was re-elected in
1900. Ile was twice elected chatirm-iani of t[ie Republdicaan
Colgricessioial Comimiittee of the Seventh Congressiolal
District, and resigned the position when be beenae a
candidate for the senate, at tite last election. At proes
ent lie is a roember of the State Board of Normal
School RecePtts.
  Mr. Morris was elected to the state senate November
8, 1904. by a vote of 8,193 to 4,809 for Stephen Rich.

                                                         Thomas Morris.


Washington and Waukeshtq connttes. Pop-latlon, 1900-

  HENIRY LOCKNEY (Rep.), of Wankesha, Wnnakesira
  county, was horn on a furm in tile touwn of .iulskego,
Wai ukestla county, Oct. 26th, 1874. WVhen nalout six
yvars of ace retluovet wIith Ills paqrents to the city of
inauliesha whiich has since heen hIls hore. Was edu-
e'ted in tile Wilnkcls a plhlle  schools  a und  in  19RI  en-
tered tile nIiversity of Wlsconsin from    which he
grnaultuted in 181,7 with the d1e.ree of B. L. Was ad-
mitted to the bar In 1899. At once began practice as
a mrnthpr of the firm    of Tullar & Ltckney. Was
elected city attorney in 1t02. and re-elected In 1901
and 190t . Was for some tine a lbhrnry commissioner
for the city of Wnllcmsa. Served for one torlin as sec-

rotary and for two terms as ehairmnn of thie Rpuilll-    Henry Lockney.
can eniltit. nomuittee. Wasq eieteod stqte .ronator In
19011. receiving 5.625 votes naairust 4.845 for A. Konrad
(Dem.), 197 for C. W. Rose (Pro.), and 196 for G.
Gollnitzer (Soc. Dem.).


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES.                          1!37