230                     WISCONSIN BLTJE BOOK.

Total Persons 10 Years of Age antd Over Engaged in Each Specilied Occupa-
        tion, Classified by Sex, in Wisconsin-Total for the State, 1900.

                              Table 38-Continued.

                                                      Male   jFemale.  Total.

  Mfg. and Mechanical Pursuits-Building Trades.
  Plumbers and gas and steam       fitters:
  Plumbers and gas and steam    fitters-................1,763 .    2... 1,765
  Apprentices and helpers.................116                           
       Total ....... ..... ..............................., 1,879  2    1,881
Roofers and slaters:
  Roofers and slaterg ...................... ...........7-1             
  Apprentices and helpers.............................     ..........1  
       Total.....   ..................................... 72      ..    
Mechanics (not otherwise specified) ....................     1125 1 ..........
            Chemical and Allied Products.
Oil well and oil work employees:
  Oil well employees.................................................
  Oil works  employees'...................................I  14   .........."
       Total ..................... ..........................  14   ..4
Other chemical workers:
  Chemical works employees ............................  49       5     
  Powder and cartridge makers .........................  14             
  Salt works employees ..................................22
  Starch m akers  ..........................................  213
       Total .................... ........................... 67   6    

          Clay, Glasg and Stone Products.
Brick and tile makers, etc.:
  Brick makers     ....................................1,020
  Tile m akers .............................................      16
      Total  ............................. .................   1,036
Glass workers ....................'.......................I         29S
Marble and stone cutters ................................         1,020
Potters'; ......................................... ...........      23
                Fishing and Mining.
Fishermen  and  oystermen  ..............................1  1,243
Miners and quarrymen:
  M iners (coal) ............................................      10
  Miners (gold and silver) ................................           19
  Miners (not otherwise specified) ......................12,194
  Quarrym en ...............................................     691
      Total  ......................  ........................   2,914
           Food and Kindred Products.
Bakers ..........................                      .460
Butchers ........                       ..............I 3,115
Butter and  cheese  makers  ............................. 2,893
Confectioners ..................... ........................1    523
Millers .............     .. ...........................1 1,544
Other food preparers:
  Fish curers an(I p'ckers ................................           6
  Meat and fruit canners and w'esorver- ..............   74
  Meat packers, curers and piklders ................... !           216
  Sugar makers and refiners ............................ 1            4
  N ot specified  ............................................1      37
       T ot ,l  ............ ...................................    337