Among the duties assigned to the War Department, when it was 
created by Congress under the act of August 7, 1789, were those 
relative to Indian affairs." 
On March 11, 1824, a Bureau of Indian Affairs was organized in 
the War Department. At the head of this bureau was Thomas L. 
McKenney. He was charged with the administration of the fund 
for the civilization of the Indians, under regulations established by 
the department, the examination of the claims arising out of the 
laws regulating the intercourse with Indian tribes, and the routine 
correspondence with his representatives in the field, the superin- 
tendents, agents and subagents. On September 30, 1830, Samuel S. 
Hamilton became chief. He was succeeded by Elbert Herring about 
a year later. 
The office of Commissioner of Indian Affairs was created in the 
War Department by the act of July 9, 1932. Subject to the Secretary 
of War and the President, the commissioner was to have "the direc- 
tion and management of all Indian affairs and all matters arising 
out of Indian relations." 
Two years later, on June 30, 1834, an act was passed "to provide 
for the organization of the Department of Indian Affairs." Cer- 
tain agencies were established, others abolished. This act, consid- 
ered the organic law of the Indian Department, provided for sub- 
agents, interpreters, and other employees, the payment of annuities, 
the purchase and distribution of supplies, etc. 
The Bureau of Indian Affairs passed from military to civil con- 
trol when the Department of the Interior was createdby the act of 
March 3, 1849. 
Under section 441 of the Revised Statutes "The Secretary of 
the Interior is charged with the supervision of public business 
relating to  *   *  *  the Indians," and section 463 provides that 
"The Commissioner of Indian Affairs shall, under the direction of 
the Secretary of the Interior and agreeable to such regulations as 
the President may prescribe, have the management of all Indianl 
affairs and of all matters arising out of Indian relations." 
Oomm  sioners of Indian Affairs 
Commissioner         State         Date -         Secretary 
Herring, Elbert ------------ New York ---------- uly 10,1832 Cass.' 
Harris, Carey A ----------- Tennessee ---------- July 4 1836 Cass and Poinsett.1

Crawford, T. Hartley -------- Pennsylvania -------- Oct. 22, 1838 Poinsett
I to Marcy.l 
Medill, William ----------- Ohio ---------------- Oct. 28,1845 Marcy 1 and
Brown, Orlando -----------Kentucky ----------- May 31,1849 Ewing. 
Lea, Luke ---------------Mi iippi-- July 1,1850 Ewing to Stuart. 
Manypenny, George W .  Ohio ---------- Mar. 24,1853 McClelland and Thompson.

Denver, James W.... California.-. -Apr. 17,1857 Thompson. 
Secretaries of War.  2 Ewing and all following Secretaries of the Interior.