EDITOR's NOTE.-This list does not include standard abbreviations in common
 usage; unusual abbreviations of rare occurrence which are clarified at appro-
priate points; and those abbreviations and contractions which, although uncom-
mon, are understandable from the context.

AEC, Atomic Energy Commission
AF, Office of African Affairs, Depart-
  ment of State; African
Amb, Ambassador
ANZUS, Australia, New Zealand,
  United States
AP, Associated Press
ARA, Bureau of Inter-American Af-
  fairs, Department of State
AS, Associated States
ASAF, Asian-African
BBC, British Broadcasting Corpora-
BNA, Office of British Commonwealth
  and Northern European Affairs, De-
  partment of State
CAA, Civil Aeronautics Administra-
C.F.R., Code of Federal Regulations
CHI, Chinese
CMC, Collective Measures Committee,
  United Nations
Commies, Communists
CON, Office of Security and Consular
  Affairs, Department of State
Cong, Congress; Congressional
CPG, Central People's Government
  (People's Republic of China)
Del, Delegate; Delegation
Delga, series indicator for telegrams
  from the United States Delegation
  at the United Nations General As-
  sembly; also used to refer to United
  States Delegation at the United Na-
  tions General Assembly
Depciragram, Department of State
circular airgram
Depcirtel, Department of State circu-
lar telegram
Dept, Department (usually the De-
partment of State)

Deptel, Department of State telegram
DOTS, Dependent Overseas Terri-
ECA, Economic Cooperation Admin-
ECAFE, Economic Commission for
  Asia and the Far East
ECLA, Economic Commission for
  Latin America, United Nations
ECOSOC, Economic and Social Coun-
  cil, United Nations
ED, Investment and Economic De-
  velopment Staff, Department of
EDC, European Defense Community
Embtel, Embassy telegram
EUR, Bureau of European Affairs,
  Department of State
FAO, Food and Agriculture Organiza-
  tion, United Nations
FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation,
  Department of Justice
FE, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs,
  Department of State; Far East;
  Far Eastern
FE/P, Public Affairs Adviser, Bureau
  of Far Eastern Affairs, Department
  of State
FEA, Foreign Economic Administra-
FIDES, Fonds d'investissemnent pour
  le developpement economique et
FonOff, Foreign Office
ForMin, Foreign Minister
F.R., Federal Register
FYI, for your information
G, Office of the Deputy Under Secre-
tary of State
GA, General Assembly of the United