I am astonished beyond measure when I riflet
how constantly remembered you have been by us.
(I believe I might say in truth saily remembered, and
talked of among us, and with affection ___ahated).
how  _____ our hearts have spanned for communion 
with you, and apt how sadly uni_s in keeping up the
visible forsu of communion - I do not I will 
not attempt to offer a satisfactory excuse for this;
allow me only to say in extinastion, that my _east
was feeble at time we ____ed you last letter and during
this winter, then as the spring opened and the time of sisters
marriage drew near every day brought so many
occupations and every evening so much worship, there
never seemed a momoent left to save for my own personal
enjoyment.  Then a rumor came to us, that you were
exported in this part of the world before conf' and we
were still leaving me the hope of seeing you face to face.
But now my dear sister my
brief purpose at this time is to ascertain whether you
are indeed in this vicinity and what your arrangements 
are for the near future and whether we may indulge the hope
of seeing you.  I s___d not attemp to day how much we
want to see you for I could not expup the half in
worlds.  I must hasten to close this, that ___ _____
may take it with to Semester.
Your unworthy, but affectionate sister
A.G. Long

___ M. Dinsdale
Partlans _____