Nashville Tenn 5 May 1865
My very dear wife/
  You__ wrote one week
ago reached me this morg, about 8
o'clock. This has been a very warm
day, and I have had to do considerable
walking, amidst clouds of dust, to and
from the Hospitals. I have visited
three of them to day, and am now tired,
I find my hand is a little unsteady, th__
fatigue. It is now about 1/2 past 4 o'clock
P. M. I can see the dust away above
the tops of the houses. I think this sultry
weather will end in a storm. The early
part of this week was quite cool and pleasant;
balmy and spring like. The dust inflames
my eyes. I am glad I havent to live in
Nashville always.
Only myself and another delegate are
regularly in the city now and then a
transient on besides. The rest are all
out, towards the front and with the 4th
army Corps, which is near Nashville.