________________ 28, 1826
 My very Dear Nephew,
   As we have such ______________
opportunity of sending or letters, it is only our
duty to manifest our love ot you by droping
you a few lines, I think it would be vain
in me to attempt to write much, after
what Mr. B. and Jane have written, and I know
you will not expect much; I felt as if I
could say nothing that would be worth your while
reading; I know little of what is going on in
this ______ world, except what ralates to our
own family affairs, I find this quite sufficient
for my weak ______, I knew whatever adversities
befall us, or to the nation, there is a sure
word of _________ that will never fail. "Thy bread
shall be given, and water sure."
It strikes me, you man suppuse it an easy ______
to ______ this _______ when we have it in
______, but this p_________ __________ was
sweetly applied to me when ________ under
deep affliction, of body and mind. Were I to 
enumerate one half of the _________ the Lord
has __________ wrought out for us, I might
__________ fill this ______. I have always