
of Pedlars Greek 21. west of ~ineral ~oint, about 12       north of

Platteville, about 12 south of a new and thriving place called Frakl1~i,
which are all good markets. I have no;~ doubt myself but it is for the
best he has come to this country, thot at first he will have to move
with care. He wants me to go and live with or near thex~ but I am not

yet satisfied it is my duty to do so. At present I do not f~el very like
doing so. So far as I.am personally concerned I would like it and we

could be of great service to each other, but my care must be to at
least to try to keep in the path of duty. When Jane and Ann come out I
intend to go to see them.
    We were at IL Willists twice while we were out, and found both him-
self and family quite well. He was very throng with his spring seed,
and making a fence. I suppose his. friends will hear from him. We have
hada great deal of rain this spring, but upon the whole pleasant weather,
and are likely to have a very fruitful season; vegetation is very
luxurie#~t - "every prospect pleases" and I may add the
rest -
ohly man is vileFlfi The wild fruit trees were covered with beattiful
blossoms, and appear~d in delightful contrast with the rich and varied
green of shru~I~sand trees of various kinds.
    I have only received two letters yet by B - one from Edw and one
from John; the rest are with Ann at the Prairie, so that I cannot at
this time say much in answer.
    I have sometimes thought if you were going to come out to this
country I would like to go for you. Buthis matter must be left to the
divine disposal. It is not well to be anxious about anything belong-
ing to this world. Andif I should never again be privileged to see
you on earth I trust we shall apply for grace to make us meet for
joIning the redeemed in heaven. Mr great aim ~is still to serve-my God
on earth and find my way to heaven. We are now in truth a divided