All my baggage is at _____________
The tea cup and a plate are broken
the cup ________ part of a side
and the plate is in two. All the
rest appears to be safe. I have had
to pay about 20_ from Lancaster to
here, whereas if I had come by the
steamer it would have coust me only
3/6. So much for land and water
carrage. I am quite comfortabel
and am yet inclined to think ______
he __ for the letter that I hence left
________. You must do the best you
can for ___________ and may God
bess you. I hope we shall meet
again in this world. You may
depend upon this that I feel ______
to promote the temporal/spiritual
welfaer of you all. And if all is well
I shall expect you/or at least some
of you/to come to me. You must
__________ to the western world.
If I should name all for whom I feel
a regard I think I could fill a letter
I must therefore say that I remember
and desire to be remembered to all my
kind relations + friends.