like her in features^with a better figure^ which I think has been the attraction
_______ they are ________ happy, but they certainly would
have been more suited for each other, had there not been
so great a difference in age; he is twenty years older
than she is. The is however good benificial, good _______
________ to her ______ children, which is of couse a
great point in her favor, and in many respects
she is more to be ___________ than blemish; although
she is not all I could desire in an ________________
and companion, I am on excellent terms with her.
______ has become quite a jolly ________ wife
she has 4 children ________, the youngest is the only boy.
She will have an addition before the sixth month of
this year, and I hope it will be another boy
otherwise I fear there will be great danger of
Master Robert _________ being spoiled. There is
little or no alteration in Robert, and he is
I believe prospericy on his farm, and in his
soul, under the privileges of ____________ to which
he is as _______________, and of which he
is as jealous a spporter as ____. John desires