
safe. I paid before hand three times, at Liverpool New York, and Albany,
but then I knew who I was paying to and had recei4ts, and I was quite
safe, s,~t is however well to be cautious. On board the boat, I~came along
the canal in, there were several persons who had been quite deceived.
They paid their fare at N. York from there to the place they wanted to
land at on the canal, they thus had to be transferred from a steam boat
to a canal boat. They had paid for a cabin passage along the canal, but
~ut as the receipt6.they had did not specify that; they had to pay an

extra price to occupy the cabin altho' they had paid the full price
before; they had no redress, except being lightened of a little more
money. You may come across persons who will cheat if they can, so be
on your guard, but do not be too suspicious. You will cifind honest, up-
right men as well as rogues.   ~rom N York you will proceed up the Hud-
son in a Steamer to I~lbany. When you enter a boat I think it is a good
plan only to take and pay for your passage as far as that boat runs.
Some persons will payntheir passage at N York from that place to Buf-
falo or even to Southport, but i do not commend this~ I always like to
see what kind of a conveyance I am going in and how I shall be likely
to be treated before I pay. You will be apt to find several boats at
York going to Albany. YQu will learn at once the charge, perhaps there
will be opposition and then the fare will be low. Do not have much
English silver money with you, and if you have to procure change do not
take any paper. The boats generally start in the morning or evening.
V~hen you arrive at Albany look out at once for a canal boat (if you
can you had better leave 1'~ew york in the evening then you reach Albany
innthe morning and have the day before you) take a passage to Buffalo
and have your wares taken t~ it at once. Ascertain the time of start-
ing for fear you should stay too long on expense without moving along.
I came up on a Merchant boat, it was rather slow, but I found it ~qite