to go forth in his name  I ___________ I said
here ____________ as ______ as any where,
as I did not count my life _____ unto my self, only
I might do ______ these relections have aften
supp______ me under the _____ trying __________
and _____ Lord I can still say
"When rising _____ any soul _________
When sinks my soul sin waves of woe,
Even then this shall be all my _____
Jesus hath lived, hath died for me."
Take ___________ my dear Nephew the Lord is
on your side. It appears clear you are now
where you aught to be. I believe you will not
be __________ of the Gospel of Christ, because it
is the power of God unto salvation to all the believers
_______ you be blest, more and more, in your work.
I think you may make yourself comfortable with_____
____ to your dear Mother though your place
cannot be fully filled up to her mind, yet
I ______ not but ____________ with ______ in the
_______ he is so wishfull to gie satisfaction
to both his Mother, and _____tothe customers
in the ________ I felt pleased also with John
he was always ___________ and ____ restless when
the weather would not permit him to go
to the field and he would so kindly ask his
Mother what she thought of such and such things.
my heart fealt what I ______ describe to you
___ I always ____ upon my sister as _____________
_____________ to me, and her children, next my _______