
to return in the Spring, he lives at the Point (Mineral Point) I thought
Edwd might write to him and ascertain if' he intends to sail from Liver-
pool and when as if Barzillac could come with him he might be of some
assistance . I saw IlattW Willis and his family they are well.
In conclusion be it remembered I do not wish Barzillac to come, tho'
I should be mosthappy to see them in th&s country, but I wish them to
know that it is possible they may not like in that case they must not
blame me. I findthat few Women like here at first. Let them determine
as they think will be for the best. I think at the same time that Bar-
zillac would get along. I wish to say to him, that i~ he should come    

out to Wisconsin it is very likely tLat he would not be able to follow
his business for a few months as the fat stock  I think would be all
killed off and there will be none ready for killing  till perhaps June
But I think he might be able to rent some land and get into a,living
till he can look about for himself. I have thought [seri]ously about
Ann coming. She had better not come unless she can attend to what fol-
lows. I [should] not like her to come with the intention of hiring out
to service. ~he would not like it and she would not be able to stand
the work. If she can remain with Jane till she wished to leave this p]~n
would be well enough, Andf{f Barzillac lives in or near a town she would
probably be able to employ herself with sowing. If she does come I would
wish her to think about turning herself to Dressmaking &c but it is,,~poss-
ible for me to say how she might be able to get along. As I am now
situated I fear it will not be in my power to assist her much but while
I have a dollar and any influence if she should come I will see that she
take no harm if she should stand in need of assistance from me. Let
Barzillac attend to my instructions all the way, and trust to his own
eyes, and judgment, not to those of others unless he is perfectly sat-
isfied that he can do so with safety. I would wish him especially to
see which mode of conveyance he is going by and only pay from place