Feby 20th. I must now bring my letter to a close in order that it may leave
the first of next month. Will you please to accept of it as an evidence
of my grateful remembrance of your uniform kindness to me in other days.
This remark I would also address to ________ and to _________________
The weather continues pleasant. The ___________ has ___________ some
degrees. I prefer a climate where the seasons are more marked. To one who
likes pleasent uniformity this is almost all that could be asked.
I have said little about the gold nor can I say much in a letter. This
portion of the State has for some time been considered on of the richest;
even here there are vast numbers that ______ to realize the end of their
hopes and efforts. There is too much running about, trying first one place
and then another. And too little settling down in certain localities till
they have been well tested. There is an immense amount of gold still
in the rivers and mountians, but much labor would be necessary ot obtain
Quartz mining is exciting considerable attention, and considerable capital
is being invested that way. At present wages are too high and machinery
too imperfect to make it profitable except in the richest veins.
Some are ___________ others injured by the discovery of gold, which way
the ____________________ I am not in a position ot say. If I were to
hazard an opinion I should probably say the walk is beneficial in
a majority of cases. But Providence only knows.
 Most of those who have been here and go home return. Some intended to
do so when they started then after being at _______________________
fever _____ returned. Families are settling fast in the best portions
of the country. Still _______ is visible; and confusion and disorder _____
some time prevail. Even at ________ almost at the summit of the
Sierra Nevada, a place all but inaccessible there are a few respectable families
By far the most interseting object I have seen there is a little boy five
or six year old. How he got there I don't know unless he was sh_p't on
a mule back. Please present my respects to ____________________ and beleive
  me ever truly your M. Dinsdale.