Your description of the climate seems to be, by
which you are _______________ fully well with
the opinions I had formed, except perhaps the difference
of temperature in your favor. If you have had as
many delightful golden autumn days as we have
enjoyed in the present month, you have possibly
balanced the account quite in favor of the _______
_____.  Allow me to congratulate you __________
that the ________ is in so many respects _________,
+ ___________ to your health + happiness. Say the
aid of your __________ we ________ you in your quiet
study, + almost hear the swelling memories of the deep
clean lake + feel its sooting influences. It is not
strange that the daily contemplation of + communion
with nature is her original purity beauty + sale-
_______ should restore your accustomed cheerfulness
+ peace. I sometimes fancy that such influences
might offset __________________________
 You may be
expecting to hear something of our well being, since
you left us. You well know how monotonously
the days weeks + months here pass away. We _____
move + ______________________________; the
health of the family has been generally good, myself
being the only only one who has found occasion to com-
plain. The last four weeks I have been much
afflicted first with _____ cold, suceeded by
funeral _________ of _________________ But within
the few last days I find myself quite restored, no
circumstance but ___________ ability, could have _____________