____________________ like an
__________________________ home
_________ her stay with ___________ been
prolonged: ______ the ___________________
an ____ the ________ of the early _________
age of 19 ___ six months. She kept her _____
the day of her ___________________________
_________________________ morning following
having ____________ to _____________ the _____
following _____ the weather __________ us.
She was buried at _________________ of her
little Brother born that day exactly 13 ___ before
During ______ dear Cousing ___________ to the
______________ of her life, she ____________ to
__________ the _______ upon for you well
doing in this world: _______________________ you
were frequently _____________________ of her thougth
I __________tion _________ if ______ she had
lived to ______ of any thing / while we none _____
ever wish to _______ this would affect your