as for Sister Jane and the family if
it was not for you we could have known
nothing about them I think they might
one of them have written to us before now
we are ___________ from writing to them
not having their proper address
when you wirte to them urge them
to write to their Parents and friends in
the old World friends who are wishful
to hear from them friends who are
anxious for their welfare friends who
would make a sacrifice ot promote their
wellbeing tell them to take up their
____ if _________ be over __________
______ Jane might try them hear little
children I wonder what they look like
in Fancy I often draw a picture of
them I see B busy about his house and
farm and Jane with her household at
____ and the children rampatgin about
adn sometimes lying incocently asleep
in their humble cottage, by the time
I should think my little __________
will be able to run about
sweet little Darling _____ if fer my
sake and remember me to them all
also to sister Ann and tell her to write
home soon in answer to the Letters
she received from us, It is by a few
weeks since George Metcalfe brought
us his letter but he ______ sent the
note enclosed for me for which I wish