I guess you go to school. You must be
good and learn all you can. Be kind
to every one, and especially be respectful
and kind to your teacher. Ma did not
say what school you got to, but this makes
no difference. You must learn to
write, and then if Pa should have to
go from home agian you can write
to him. Pa will soon be home if the
Lord will and then he see and kiss
his little daughter for himself.
I must now close and finish this
letter to Ma.
 Monday morning 8 May 1865.
As I did not get through writing on Saturday
I will finish now. It has been raining
hard all night and continues to do so stil,
yesterday morn I attended McKendry Chapel
adn heard Bro' ____ the missionary preach;
in the afternoon I preached there myself,
in the evening I preached at the Post
Hospital. we ahd a very good meeting.