those who are ____ of it answer! Let those
who have been destroyed by it answer! The
Lord save us from its influence + power.

You inform me of the death of my Uncle
and Aunt Thompson, how remarkable that
they should die so near together. When we
are old the next move is death, and to say
we are sorry when odl people are taken
away is but a common place expression.
If they were Christs in life and in death
we aught to rejoice, if they were not they
had better been born, then our sorrow
may be extended to them. I trust they are
now safe in Abrahams bosom.
Since I came here I have not heard from
Jane. I wrote soon after my arrival
and show that my letter must have been
received as it reached Lindew. I am very
anxious to hear how they are. They are not
________ to write, but they ___ off from time
to time, and are hardly aware how swiftly
it passes away. I do not want any more
of you to come aver to take care of me. I feel
as if I have to care for those that have come.
And I should be more easy respecting them
if they were now in England. I expect
however they are all well, but I do want to
hear from them. I think the only way to cure
their backwardness will be to send them letter
for letter. But I must not forget that they
are some distance from a Post Office.
One of ___ horses strayed away in summer
and it is possible he may lose it, I am very
sorry as he was a valuable one. I took his