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for many years tell me that this is not an unhealthy place considering
its situation. I see by one N0 of the Watchman you sent last, that a
young man with whom I became intimate when in London has been taken
to heaven. We were to~ether at Dr Alders and lodged in adjoining rooms
When we had a little leisure we were together. We wandered in company
through the streets 6f the metropolis, visited the Tower Zoological
Gardens Regents Park, and other objects of curiosity and interest. The
British Museum &c &c. He gave me his address at Birmingham that I
write to him'. We appeared to be of one heart aNd one mind. He was called
to Africa and has become a Martyr to Christian zeal. But I believe we
shall meet again. If I mistake not he was the only son of his mother
and she was a widow. Heavy news for her but I expect that grace which
enabled her to lay her son on the Missionary alter is now her support.
May I be faithful that  may meet my friends who have gone before.
    I have very comfortable lodgings. I 0~Jve a room to myself and no
one to interfere with my quiet except I am wanted about Church matters.
The person I am with is married and has one child five months old.
They are members of the M.E.Church, and pious intelligent people. My

host I find has been a considerable wanderer, and can tell many thrill-
ing incidents experienced in his travels. He hastbeen among several
tribes of indians on one occasion he was robbed by a party of them
and had seven muskets pointed to his breast at once. He spoke to them in
their own language and that saved him..He has been a hunte,r abd trapper
and trader in the western wilds. The indian summer has this day begun.
It will probably cd~ntinue for two or three weeks. There is always
some cold weather and frost before it commences. I took a short walk
this morning, and soon discovered the difference between today and the
few previous days. Indeed we have had some very cold weather Lor the
last three weeks. During the indian summer (as it is called) we have