attended the funeral, and the paper says "That business for a time
seemed to  be suspended in Halifax." The procession consisted of
4 travelling preahers in the _____, and several others from the _____
the local preachers, all the leaders, the members of his ______, stewards
trustees, and all that held any kind of office, all the druggists
adn most of the __________ Methodists in the ________, beside relatives,
other friends; the Pulpit, reading desk, communion table, organ
adn singing gallery were hung with black cloth. the "Deach March
_and" was played with the organ muffled, while the corpse was
being taken out of the chapel. I suppose the grave yard was crowded
with a weeping multitude all anxious to pay their last sad
tribute of respect to one they had loved so well. The ___________
accompanied the relatives back to his former residence and then
_______ dispersed to their respective homes. I am sure it would
be a very  solemn and affecting scene. He died on the Wednesday
morning and had attended his appountment the Sunday previous
He was quite sensible before he died adn seemed very happy
and resigned to the will of God. "Blessed are the dead that
do follow them." "Let me die the death of the righteous
let my last end be like his."
 This part is very much improved since we
came, we have preaching twice on a Sunday, a very good sunday
school, _________ on Sunday morning, and Thursday evening
________ on Monday night and _________________ night,
Then we have the travelling preachers, once a month, and they
are two very good readers, and very well liked in the _______.
Mr. Sleigh the Superintendent is getting into years, and has travel-
led a long time. Mr. Exley the second preacher is rather a young 
man, but is married, he has an impediment in his speech
but notwithstanding that he is a very talented man.
On a Monday night I have the Bibel ____ Girls, and several
of the Female Teachers, that come to learn to write _______
appear to have got on very well, and seem very sorry that
we are going to leave them; they are very desirous of information,
which I think is a good sign, they were here last night,
and they said if we were only going to remove as far as ______
they would come so far on a Monday evening rather than
miss it.
But I must begin to think of drawing to a close
I did not intend to say so much when I began and I am
sure you must be tired of reading my worthless scribble. I hope
you will excuse me but you cannot think how delighted
we are to hear from you; if you think me worth a line,
I shall think it a great favour to receive one from you
at any time and I hope my Cousin Ann will not
forget me  Please to remind her.
 And now Dear Cousin
Farewell and wishing you every temporal adn
spiritual blessing, in Christ Jesus, and great success,
to attend your ministerial lobours, I remain
  Your far distant
  But ever affectionate
  Cousin, Jane Barritt.

P.S. We received your newspapers and were very much
interested with them we saw your name in the _________
we are very much obliged to you for them. "Farewell."