of the _______ I now _________ for a simple day
_______ is, __ had _____ for many weeks wholy suported
with _____________ for spending the winter upon
the hill, he has _____ time to eat or sleep, I have
heard him wish for ____ we to write you; he has just ocme
in weary with the business of the day, _________ the
comforts in _______________________________________
____ most affectionate ______ to you +
say'd we will be _____ in our new house before _______
sabbath. Sister __________________ had just returned from
her second visit at Platteville, _______ regards to
you, + tho last + ________, yet not ____, our dear
little Nathaniel comes in ot claim his share of your
notice. He ______________ all day long, talks a
little that is intelligible, + a great deal that is unintelli-
gible + is my _____________________. I wish you
could see him now that he is so much _________. Now of your
friends ______ died, except _______ Clark some six weeks ____
the widow + children will return to their friends in ______
________+ his family are about _____________ to Elk ______
the society are making arrangements ot have his
place supplied . I have not seen them for a long
time, but intend to call before they leave town
   There has been a great deal of sickness, in the county
we ________, many old + ______________________ have
died. ___________ + his wife died during the
same night + were interred in hte same grave, leaving two
little orphan children. A short time _________, the mother
of ________, wife of ____________________________________
died, + about the same time the mother of Mr. ___________