
   likely to form an unfpavorable opinion of America if he judged of it
   by those he was a~gst before he removed to his farm.
        I came out here again on Saturday the 4th inst. Or rather I came
   as far as Platteville 18 miles from the Creek , and there met the Pre-
   siding Elder who was holding the Quarterly meeting for that Circuit. I
   dined with him at a friendts house. He wished me to reinain with him

   all night, as this was the first time I had seen him, and desiring to
   have some information from him I consented. I was also inlikuenced by
   a desire to hear him preach in the evening. After dinner we came to our
   quarters about half a mile Vrom the town and after I was quite reconciled
   to remain all night, he told me to my astonishment that I must preach
   for him. 01 what I would have given for liberty( I thought how delight-
   ful it would have been if I had now been driving through the woods. But
   his place was to command and mine was to obey. I had a very attentive
   auditory and felt quite com.fortable. The Elder and I stayed with an old
   gentleman, a devoted Methodist, who is 81 years old. He was. brought up
   in the state of Virginia, and was there the owner of considerable pro-
   perty and several slaves. But Slavery he could not do with, so he liberat~
   his negroes (I think 26 in number) sold his estate for 20 thousand
   dollars and removed to the west. He has three sons who are Methodist
   Ministers all of them belong to this Conference, one is Book Agent at
   Cincinnati (:'J T Mitchell) who I am told is a very fine man. Indeed all
   his sons are talented. Sunday the 5th Oct a cold,frosty but clear
   morning I reached Potosi about-~ past 10 preached at eleven A.M and
   gain at 6 P.M. On Monday I again returned to the Creek. You will prob-
   ably have been wondering why I acted in this way. Why after I had re-
   ceived this appointment I did not come at once. I will tell you.
   You are aware that myntigoods and chattels" were left by me at
   Prairie when I again"~migrated" further west. I did
not want
