with the incessantly busy life of a pastors wife
  I am happy to tell you that the health
of our family is as good now as it has been
for many months past. My dear little
_______ sickness last fall was so protracted
that she has been quite puny + delicate
& this summer she has had several slight
attacks of the same complaint. She is scarcely
able to walk yet, tho' I think she will very soon
 My own health is a little better than it was
past summer, but I have still the same sad
difficulty in my throught, + I suppose I shall have
until I pass from earth away oh! my dear ____
how I am reminded daily that I am mortal!
  When Bro' Edward Dinsdale died, who was just
my own age, & a friend of my youth in my own
native land, I felt the blow keenly as tho' he had
been a near relative. I had hoped, to see him
once more in the flesh & if not, at least to pay the
last tribute of respect by attending his funeral.
But alas! he was laid in the silent grave before
I heard of his death. Oh, how true "what dying worms
      we be!"