-lation, the sweet tide of joy; for whilst leaning on the arm of our
Beloved, we travel up from thence in sure adn certain hope; and
in society thus powerful, loving and tru, springs are made to
abound in the desert, and the _________ and the rose appear!
O blissful inhertance of faith, which now invests the beleiver
with a ______ rest, and which is evermore the faithful pledge
of better fillowship on high; when delivered from the pains and
greifs and conflicts of this lower world, the spirit shall ascend
when Jesus ___; and the full countenance of an unveiled God
g__________. (Hallelujah. Amen)-------------------------------
 We should endeavour then to be acquainted with our God;
and since this is only to be done through faith, we must pray
for faith! We should consider the result _________________;
and desire this blissful antidote to human sorrow- this gra
-cious pledge of everlasting peace; we should ever be ________
to Jesus, in whom alone God can be pleased with man; and
should rest in the spirit, by whom alone we are made one
with Jesus-
 The way to the kingdom is now made manifestly open by Him
who __________ up on high as the triumphant conqueror of death and
Hell, and of which possibly Enoch was a type. If we delight
to ________ the glorious ascenscion of the favored servant of the 
Lord, how much more should our beleiving eyes follow Him,
who, in passing through the heavens, entomed
_________________ as one representation, our head, our forerunner,
and our high Priest! How joy in the _______________, that he
soon will be __________ vengeance on His adversaries, He will re
-member and wilcome, his friends! The priviledge of Enoch is
not given to us, and we ________ shall have to encounter
the last _________; but death has no terrors in it, if the Lord
with us still; and a time will come, when he shall bring the
body, too, triumphant our death; and open wide the __________
-ting doors, that His redeemed may enter in, and be _____
with their Lord! (Glory, Glory, Glory, Glory, Glory, to the Lamb)
May we have grace now, to evidence decision in our walk,
mingle our duties with _________, and our _______ with
exertions: ___________ shrink from witnessing of Him, ____.
shall hide us in hte decret of his presence from the violence
of all men; and shall never forsake such as have confessed
him before men - (What a _______)--