Addenda, July, 1915. 
  Since the completion of this report a study on Wages in the 
Millinery Trade has been made under the New York State Fac- 
tory Investigating Commission by Miss Mary Van Kleeck. The 
returns from the two investigations are unfortunately not com- 
parable. The New York study concerns itself almost exclu- 
sively with wages, but the presentation of wages in New York 
combines wages of workers in all the occupations of millinery, as 
in the summaries (see page 77) or, where differentiation is made, 
the grouping under the term "other milliners," of trimmers, 
copyists, makers, preparers, and improvers (compare pages 25 
and 41-42) obscures the data needed for comparison. Or the 
analysis found on pages 51 and 54 includes all employed for 
more than one week, thus counting in a very large group of 
drifters. Or the New York paper brings together the wage re- 
turn and the number of weeks worked in the year in large 
groups, the largest being over 20 weeks or over, and hence clouds 
the seasonal significance of the trade. (It is probably the posi- 
tion of the copyist and the excess of wholesale workers in New 
York which most interferes with comparison.) 