lower left corner; matrix is partitioned
into slices 20 columns wide.    In present
version reported heads are actual head
minus 1500 feet. Concentrations are com-
puted as a percent of leachate in the
groundwater contained in each cell.
OUT3K     -        Prints symbolic distribution of seepage
concentration as a percent groundwater at
a 1" to 2000' scale when a seepage grid
spacing of DXPAR = 200 ft. and DYPAR =
333.3 ft.
ERPROC    -        Prints error messages on output report.
The program has been written so as to minimize the
computational effort involved in the innermost loop ele-
ments, especially MOVE. Needed constants are evaluated and
stored in matrices before entering this loop, and the alge-
braic expressions have been derived so as to minimize the
use of trigonometric and other complex mathematical func-
The program has several capabilities designed to in-
crease the utility and efficiency of its use.
-    Comprehensive  set of error codes handled by a
separate subroutine.
-    Data array dump optionally provided upon trapping
of a fatal program error (but not fatal system
-    Storage  and  retrieval  of  RESTART   files  which
allow simulations to be stopped and restarted
with or without change of parameters.
-    Several output types, all user selectable.
A listing of the program is included as Appendix C of
this report.

Golder Associates

March, 1982
