March, 1982                       -2-                    786085

-    Simple input of limited quantity.
-    Simple output options of limited quantity to aid
remote terminal use.
-    Programming  is standard FORTRAN IV for maximum
compatability between computer systems.
-    Programming for maximum internal readability and
ease of modifications.
-    Relatively simple, unconditionally stable solu-
tion algorithms.
-    Dimension independent input and output requiring
only a consistent dimension set.
-    Rapid, relatively inexpensive solution.
-    Entire solution matrix    is stored in memory to
speed execution and minimize program complexi-
Unlike most models of this sort, the code is written
to be modified.    Different input and output systems will
suit different aspects of the project, encouraging tai-
loring of the program to make the code suit the problem.
The model should be regarded in this application as a
screening tool used to evaluate the relative impact on the
hydrologic system of various waste disposal systems.     The
resulting seepage concentration contours do not take into
account several factors, as listed below.
(a)  The hydrochemical buffering effect of the unsatu-
rated zone underlying the pond system and in the
saturated zone.
(b)  The model is a 2 dimensional representation and
does not estimate vertical distribution of con-
centrations.    The  concentration  contours  pre-
sented are vertically integrated, i.e., they
assume complete mixing of the seepage in the

Goider Associates

March, 1982
