Symbol               Definition (Units)
aL        -        Longitudinal dispersivity (L)
aT        -        Transverse dispersivity (L)
BL        -        Longitudinal linear   dispersivity  co-
efficient (LL )
BT        -        Transverse linear dispersivity coeffi-
cient (LL-1)
BOT       -        Elevation of bottom of aquifer (L)
C         -        Concentration of solute (MM-1)
D         -        Bulk density of the porous media
(ML -3)
d c       -        Distance moved by convective flow (L)
Dh        -        Coefficient of hydrodynamic dispersion
d L       -        Distance moved by dispersion along flow
direction (L)
d         -        Distance moved by dispersion normal to
flow direction (L)
At        -        Length of one timestep (T)
F         -        Head prediction factor (LL-1)
I         -        Groundwater gradient in the direction
of flow
i         -        node count in x direction
j         -        node count in y direction
h         -        Elevation head of groundwater table (L)
t         -        Time since analysis began (T)
K         -        Hydraulic Conductivity (LT-1)
kd        -        Distribution coefficient (L3M-)
M         -        Mass of solute injected (L3)
n         -        Volumetric porosity of the porous media
Q         -        Inflow to groundwater system (L3T-)
q         -        Specific discharge (LT-)
rl, r2    -        Uniformly  distributed  random  numbers
with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

Golder Associates