Fiscal Years 1930-1988

  Fiscal                          Trailers,   Motor             Motor-
  Year       Autos     Trucks   Semitrailers  Homes    Busses   cycles  
Mopeds    Municipals2    Totals
1929-30      700,251  115,883          -         -       554      3,030 
     --         -         819,718
1934-35      597,197  116,912        5,634       -       498      2,556 
    -         6,670       729,467
1939-40      741,583  123,742        5,144       -       675      3,508 
    -         9,770       884,422
1944-45      676,978  139,591        6,484       -      1,489     3,883 
    -         9,951       838,376
1949-50      921,194  209,083       14,124       -      2,465    10,355 
             13,904     1,171,125
1954-55    1,108,084  227,367       21,643       -      3,337     9,205 
             16,787     1,386,423
1959-60    1,303,679  246,353       31,502       -      5,184    11,975 
             21,268     1,619,961
1964-65    1,517,397  269,771       44,017       -      7,218    28,820 
    -        26,644     1,893,867
1969-70    1,762,681  317,096       64,065       -      8,178    53,642 
              4,830     2,210,492
1974-75    2,096,694  425,854       91,609       -     11,897   111,110 
    -         3,617     2,740,781
1977-78    2,222,108  561,307       95,025V      -     12,478   135,843 
               820      3,027,581
1978-79    2,253,966  556,757       97,643    18,769   10,468   153,110 
    -         2,107     3,167,695
1979-80    2,509,904  558,840      102,256    17,071   13,775   205,786 
 10,116       2,298     3,552,430
1980-812   2,418,254  714,457      100,918    17,952   12,488   204,927 
 13,588                 3,451,044
1981-822   2,437,791  730,067      102,211    18,171   13,774   205,001 
 13,234         -       3,488,844
1982-83    2,312,883  718,287       67,829    15,762   12,886   178,146 
 17,890      52,992     3,360,811
1983-84    2,317,388  747,592       71,329    16,217   11,622   178,166 
 19,021      54,588     3,396,870
1984-85    2,310,024  765,852       72,289    17,195   10,325   176,023 
 20,321      57,166     3,406,196
1985-86    2,349,441  818,102       75,969    18,309   11,712   174,369 
 22,271      59,374     3,505,630
1986-87    2,347,963  862,111       80,611    18,776   11,014   167,792 
 24,229      61,330     3,573,826
1987-88    2,388,507  932,313       94,861    19,874   11,549   167,055 
 26,487      63,129     3,703,775
'Registration figures were first kept on a calendar year basis beginning
in 1905. The 1905 figure was 1,492 for automobiles;
  no other figures were kept.
2Beginning in 1969, municipally-owned vehicles have been registered on a
multiyear basis. Therefore, since 1969, only
  registrations transacted during each fiscal year are given. For 1980-81
and 1981-82, municipals are included in autos.
Source: Secretary of State, Biennial Report - 1928-30; Highway Commission,
Biennial Reports - 1933-35,1938-40; Motor
  Vehicle Department, Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Registrations - Fiscal Years
1944-45 through 1964-65; Department of
  Transportation, Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Registrations- Fiscal Year 1979-80
(and previous issues), and Wisconsin
  Transportation Facts, Chapter 4, Table 4-1; and Department of Transportation,
departmental data, January 1989.

                        Ten-Year Statistical Summary, 1978-1987

              Licensed           Accidents            Persons   Persons 
    Miles      Death    Accident
Year          Drivers     Total    Fatal    Injury    Killed     Injured
  Traveled'    Rate'      Rate2
1978 ....... 2,927,546   159,227    862     43,760      998      64,590 
    33,863      2.95      2.55
1979 ....... 2,694,404   166,461    876     45,357      997      66,265 
    32,974      3.02      2.66
1980 ....... 3,015,000   128,226    861     41,377      985      60,297 
    31,165      3.16      2.76
1981 ....... 3,059,000   118,873    813     40,075      927      58,689 
    33,611      2.76      2.42
1982 ....... 3,070,956   108,460    674     36,422      775      52,831 
    32,795      2.36      2.06
1983 ....... 3,123,649   113,986    657     38,272      735      55,018 
    34,107      2.15       1.93
1984 ....... 3,192,135   119,836    716     40,239      834      58,573 
    34,456      2.35      2.02
1985 ....... 3,265,322   129,615    672     41,647      750      60,363 
    36,680      2.04       1.83
1986 ....... 3,288,517   126,962    661     41,547      757      60,557 
    38,428      1.97       1.72
1987 ....... 3,308,903   130,594    729     42,031      817      61,500 
    40,194      2.03       1.81
'In millions - based on U.S. Bureau of Public Roads estimate of motor vehicle
miles traveled.
2Per 100 million vehicle miles.
Source: Wisconsin Department of Transportation, 1987 Traffic Accident Facts,
1988 edition.

               Blood Alcohol of Driver Fatalities, By Age Group, 1987

                        Drivers' Blood Alcohol Content
r-- P -.. . . . .-                                   _

Age Group                   Drivers             Drivers lesteu          
    0.001-     0.05-      0.10
of Drivers                   Killed     Total     Negative     Positive 
    0.049      0.099    and over
17 and under................   37         33         22           11    
      2          4           5
18 years....................   10          7          4            3    
      1          0           2
19 years....................   26         20          9           11    
      2          0           9
20 years....................   19         17          7           10    
      3          2           5
21 years....................   23         19          6           13    
      2          2           9
22-24 years.................   48         45          16          29    
      1          5          23
25-34 years.................  153        137         43           94    
      3          8          83
35-44 years.................   69         61         29           32    
      1          1          30
45-54 years.................   43         36         25           11    
      0          0          11
55-64 years.................   31         23          17           6    
      1          0           5
65-74 years.................   33         27         22            5    
      0          2           3
75-84 years.................   34         24         23            1    
      0          0           1
85 and over.................    8          5          5            0    
      0          0           0
Unknown ...................     1          2           1           1    
      0          0           1
   TOTAL.................     535        456         229         227    
     16         24         187
   Source: Wisconsin Department of Transportation, 1987 Traffic Accident
Facts, 1988 edition.