people who may be or may become interested in the formation and development
of a credit
union in this state for these purposes.
  As of December 31, 1988, there were 483 state-chartered credit unions with
total assets of $3.6
billion. Individual member savings up to $100,000 are insured by either the
National Credit
Union Administration, a U.S. government agency, or the Wisconsin Credit Union
Savings In-
surance Corporation.
  The Wisconsin Credit Union Savings Insurance Corporation is a nonprofit
corporation capi-
talized by Wisconsin-chartered credit unions. It is examined annually by
the agency. All Wis-
consin credit unions insured by this fund pay an annual assessment of 1/12
of 1 percent of mem-
ber savings.
  The Credit Union Review Board may require the commissioner to submit any
official actions
to the board for approval. Any rules and regulations issued by the commissioner
require prior
approval of the Credit Union Review Board.
  Interagency Relationships: The work of the Office of the Commissioner of
Credit Unions is
closely related in nature to that performed by the Office of the Commissioner
of Banking, the
Office of the Commissioner of Savings and Loan, the Office of the Commissioner
of Insurance
and, to a lesser extent, the Office of the Commissioner of Securities.

                                   Department of

Secretary of Development: BRUNO J. MAUER, 266-1916.
Deputy Secretary: ROLF WEGENKE, 266-8976.
Executive Assistant and Legislative Liaison: RIcHARD D. SMITH, 266-7370.
Administrative Services, Division of: HELEN MCCAIN, administrator, 266-1529.
    Fiscal and Contract Services, Bureau of. DAVID STRATTON, director, 266-0727.
    Information Management, Bureau of: DENNIS SIMONSON, director, 266-9974.
    Personnel and Employe Development, Bureau of" JILL THOMAS, director,
Economic Development, Division of: ROLF WEGENKEI, administrator, 266-3203.
    Special Assistant: BARRY WANNER, 267-7200.
    Business Development, Bureau of: H. HAMPTON ROTHWELL, director, 266-1065.
    Community Development, Bureau of: vacancy, director, 266-1018.
    Development Financing, Bureau of: PHIL ALBERT, director, 266-7099.
    International Development, Bureau of: RALPH GRANER, director, 266-1767.
    Minority Business Development, Bureau of: ROBERT WYNN II, director, 266-8380.
    Permit Information Center: DENNIS LEONG, director, 266-9869.
    Small Business Ombudsman: SARA BURR, ombudsman, 266-0562.
Public and Governmental Relations, Division of: LOREN ANDERSON, administrator,
    Public Information, Bureau of: ROGER NACKER, director, 266-1386.
    State and Federal Relations, Bureau of: LouIs CORNELIUS, director, 266-8629.
    Business Advocacy, Office of: DENNIS FAY, director, 266-6747.
Research and Planning, Division of: RANDALL WADE, director, 267-9214.
Tourism Development, Division of" RICHARD MATTY, administrator, 266-2147.
    Communications, Bureau of: GARY KNOWLES, director, 266-8773.
    Tourism Marketing and Development, Bureau of: vacancy, director, 266-3750.
    Film Promotion, Office of: MILT STRAUSS, director, 267-7176.