
                                  DIVORCES, BY STATE
                                           1970 to 1987

                                      (in thousands)'                   
   (per 1,000 population)
State                       1970      1980      1985      19872     1970
     1980      1985      19872
Alabama...............       15.1      26.9      25.1      24.7      4.4
      6.9       6.3       6.0
Alaska ...................    1.7      3.4        4.0       3.5      5.6
      8.5       7.7       6.7
Arizona................      12.7      19.9      21.4      23.8      7.2
      7.3       6.7       7.0
Arkansas .................9.3          21.8      16.2      16.2      4.8
      9.5       6.9       6.8
California ...............112.9       134.3     127.4     124.1      5.7
      5.7       4.8       4.5
Colorado...............      10.4      18.1      19.2      18.6      4.7
      6.3       5.9       5.6
Connecticut ...............  5.8       11.9      10.5       9.7      1.9
      3.8       3.3       3.0
Delaware ..................  1.7        2.3       3.0       2.9      3.2
      3.9       4.8       4.5
Florida ..................  37.2       71.4      77.6      79.7      5.5
      7.2       6.8       6.6
Georgia................      18.6      33.6      33.0      33.5      4.1
      6.1       5.5       5.4
Hawaii ....................  2.6        4.4       4.8       4.5      3.4
      4.5       4.6       4.1
Idaho..................      13.6       6.6       6.2       5.9      5.1
      7.0       6.2       5.9
ILLINOIS ...............     36.5      50.5      48.4      46.7      3.3
      4.4       4.2       4.0
Indiana ................     15.2         --      -         --       2.9--
               -          -
IOWA.................         7.2      11.8      10.6      10.8      2.5
      4.0       3.7       3.8
Kansas....................    8.8      13.4      12.8      10.9      3.9
      5.7       5.2       4.4
Kentucky ................    10.7      17.0      18.8      20.0      3.3
      4.6       5.0       5.3
Louisiana ..............      5.1         -  -    -         - -      1.4
       - -
Maine.................        13.9      6.2       6.2       5.8      3.9
      5.5       5.4       4.9
Maryland .................    9.3      16.3      16.2      15.9      2.4
      3.9       3.7       3.5
Massachusetts ............   11.0      16.5      19.8      17.8      1.9
      2.9       3.4       3.0
MICHIGAN .............      30.0       40.8      37.7      40.5      3.4
      4.4       4.2       4.4
MINNESOTA .........           8.3      15.1      13.7      14.9      2.2
      3.7       3.3       3.5
Mississippi ................  8.2      13.5      12.2      12.4      3.7
      5.3       4.7       4.7
Missouri .................   17.9      27.8      25.4      24.3      3.8
      5.6       5.0       4.8
Montana...............       13.0       5.0       4.3       4.1      4.4
      6.3       5.2       5.1
Nebraska ..................   3.7       6.5       6.5       6.3      2.5
      4.1       4.0       4.0
Nevada................        9.1      13.7      13.5      13.8      18.7
     16.9      14.4      13.7
New Hampshire ........        2.4       5.2       4.9       4.8      3.3
      5.7       5.0       4.6
New Jersey.............      10.8      25.9      29.3      27.2       1.5
     3.5       3.9       3.5
New Mexico ...............    4.4      10.4       9.0       8.6      4.3
      8.0       6.2       5.7
New York..............       26.4      54.2      68.3      69.0       1.5
     3.1       3.8       3.9
North Carolina ............  13.7      28.2      30.3      31.6      2.7
      4.8       4.8       4.9
North Dakota .............  .1.0        2.1       2.3       2.2       1.6
     3.3       3.4       3.3
Ohio .....................   39.3      58.2      53.2      48.2      3.7
      5.4       5.0        4.5
Oklahoma..............       16.8      24.2      26.4      23.9      6.6
      8.0       8.0        7.3
Oregon ....................   9.6      17.9      15.8      15.7      4.6
      6.8       5.9        5.8
Pennsylvania .............   22.6      34.8      39.8      38.5       1.9
     2.9       3.4        3.2
Rhode Island ..............   1.7       3.6       3.6       3.7       1.8
     3.8       3.7        3.7
South Carolina ..........    .5.8      13.8      13.6      14.0      2.3
      4.4       4.1        4.1
South Dakota...........       1.4       2.8       2.6       2.7      2.0
      4.1       3.6       3.8
Tennessee ................   16.6      30.1      30.2      31.0      4.2
      6.6       6.3        6.4
Texas ....................   51.5      97.2     101.2      93.3      4.6
      6.8       6.2        5.6
Utah..................        3.9       8.0       8.6       8.9      3.7
      5.4       5.2        5.3
Vermont ..................    1.0       2.5       2.3       2.2      2.3
      4.9       4.3       4.0
Virginia................     11.9      23.6      24.2      25.6      2.6
      4.4       4.2        4.3
Washington ...............   17.9      28.4      25.6      26.0      5.2
      6.9       5.8        5.7
West Virginia ..............  5.6       9.9      10.0       9.1      3.2
      5.1       5.2        4.8
WISCONSIN ..............8.9            17.9      16.9      17.2      2.0
      3.8       3.5        3.5
Wyoming..................     1.8       4.0       3.8       3.2      5.4
      8.4       7.5        6.5
D.C.....................      2.3       3.5       2.8       4.1      3.0
      5.5       4.5        6.7
'Includes reported annulments.
2Provisional figures.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States,
1969 and 1972 editions; U.S. National Center for
  Health Statistics, Monthly Vital Statistics Report, "Annual Summary
for the United States, 1987", Table 2, July 1988,
  and previous issues.