
           Representative                Representative                 Representative
             RADTKE                          LEWIS                      

Randall J. Radtke (Rep.), 37th Assembly District
  Born Watertown, October 23, 1951; married; 2 children. Graduate Watertown
High School; B.S.E. UW-
Whitewater 1973; attended UW-Whitewater and UW-Milwaukee graduate schools.
Legislator, sports broad-
caster, and small businessman. Former social studies teacher. Member Lake
Mills-Aztalan Historical Soc.;
Lake Mills Rotary Club; Creative Community Living Systems (bd. of dir., vice
pres.); The Washington Semi-
nar (assoc. dir.); Knights of Columbus; Jefferson Co. (exec. bd.) and Wis.
Rep. Party; Sinnissippi Coun. -
Boy Scouts of Amer. (exec. bd.); Jefferson Co. Farm Bureau. Former member
Wis. Jaycees (past state prog.
mgr.-govt. affairs); Lake Mills Area Jaycees (past pres.); Lake Mills Education
Assn. (treas.); Wis. Cross
Country Coaches Assn.; Wis. Coun. for Social Studies; Phi Alpha Theta. Awards:
Recent Outstanding Alum-
nus, UW-Whitewater 1984.
  Elected to Assembly since 1978. Assistant Minority Leader 1989. Minority
Caucus Vice Chairperson 1987,
1985, 1983. Biennial committee assignments: 1989 - Assembly Organization;
Education (also 1987, 1985);
Elections and Constitutional Law (ranking minority mbr.); Environmental Resources
and Utilities; Jt. Com.
on Legis. Organization; Rules (also 1987); Select Com. on the Census (co-chp.).
1987 - Elections (ranking
minority mbr. since 1983, mbr. since 1979); Employment and Training; Yahara
Watershed; Legis. Coun.
Corns. on Developmental Disabilities (sec.), on Solid Waste Management.
  Telephone: Capitol: (608) 266-3790; District: (414) 648-8248.
  Voting address: 433 East Washington Street, Lake Mills 53551.
  Mailing address: (office) Room 335A North, State Capitol, P.O. Box 8953,
Madison 53708.
Margaret S. Lewis (Rep.), 38th Assembly District
  Born June 19, 1954; married; 2 children. Graduate Homestead High School;
B.A., political science, UW-
Madison 1976; graduate work in business, UW-Madison. Legislator and public
affairs consultant. Member
Jefferson Council for the Performing Arts; American Assn. of University Women;
Business and Professional
Women; Nature Conservancy; Republican Party.
  Elected to Assembly 1984; reelected since 1986. Biennial committee assignments:
1989- Children and
Human Services (ranking minority mbr., also 1987, mbr. 1985); Colleges and
Universities (ranking minority
mbr. 1987); Financial Institutions and Insurance (also 1987); Ways and Means.
1987 - Employment and
Training (ranking minority mbr.); Legis. Coun. Com. on Child Care Regulation.
1985 - Commerce and
Consumer Affairs; Education; Legis. Coun. Corns. on Pregnancy Options (eff.
1/31/85), on Venture Capital.
  Telephone: Capitol: (608) 266-5715; District: (414) 674-6735.
  Voting address: 332 East Linden Drive, Jefferson 53549.
  Mailing address: (office) Room 326 North, State Capitol, P.O. Box 8952,
Madison 53708.
Robert G. Goetsch (Rep.), 39th Assembly District
  Born Juneau, August 5, 1933; married; 2 children. Graduate Juneau High
School; attended Wayland Jr.
College, Beaver Dam, 1950-5 1; B.S. in agronomy, UW-Madison 1975. Legislator
and farmer. Served in Army
1954-56. Member American Legion; NFO; UW Alumni Assn.; Dodge Co. Rep. Party;
B.P.O.E.; Dodge Co.
Unified Services (51.42) Bd.; Wis. Agri. and Life Sciences Alumni Assn.;
Internatl. Farm Youth Exchange
Alumni Assn.; Kappa Eta Kappa Natl. Honor Society. Former member Dodge Co.
Sheltered Workshop
(dir.); Big Brothers of Dodge Co. (dir.); Beaver Dam Community Theater, Inc.
(dir., vice pres.); Wis. Towns
Assn. (co. unit chp.). Supervisor Oak Grove Town Bd. 1971-83 (chp. 1975-83);
Dodge Co. Bd. 1972-84.
  Elected to Assembly since 1982. Biennial committee assignments: 1989 -
Aging (also 1985); Criminal Jus-
tice and Public Safety (ranking minority mbr., mbr. since 1983); Urban and
Local Affairs (ranking minority
mbr. 1987, mbr. 1985); State Supported Programs Study and Adv. Com. (also
1987). 1987- Employment
and Training; Legis Coun. Com. on Surrogate Parenting. 1985 - Legis. Coun.
Com. on Property Tax Collec-
tion Laws (sec.). 1983 --Local Affairs; Veterans and Military Affairs.
  Telephone: Capitol: (608) 266-2530; District: (414) 887-7413.
  Voting address: Town of Oak Grove.
  Mailing address: (office) Room 320 North, State Capitol, P.O. Box 8952,
Madison 53708; (district) Route 1,
N6485 High Point Road, Juneau 53039.